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F/S Has Handed Down Trial Restrictions...

With the correct tires...your rig isn't horribly wide. IMHO less damage is the result of a capable rig & a responsible driver....vehicle brand has nothing to do with this conversation.

Correct tires.... Hmmm you mean like boggers? That's what'll be on my junk in the future to make a feeble attempt at legality...
Correct tires.... Hmmm you mean like boggers? That's what'll be on my junk in the future to make a feeble attempt at legality...

Corey's boggers would not be correct tires...he has been known to run the following:

  • 54" boggers
  • 48" michelins
  • 37" bfg
By correct I meant the ones that didn't push his width out to 90 plus inches.
Corey's boggers would not be correct tires...he has been known to run the following:

  • 54" boggers
  • 48" michelins
  • 37" bfg
By correct I meant the ones that didn't push his width out to 90 plus inches.

Yes I realize HIS boggers wouldn't make the cut... :redneck: I'm thinking 38x11 comp cut boggers on hummer wheels for the yota and the "mini" wheeler 35x10.5's on stock yota axles. Gotta conform so I may as well ensure I have the maximum amount of traction possible... :cheer:
Yes I realize HIS boggers wouldn't make the cut... :redneck: I'm thinking 38x11 comp cut boggers on hummer wheels for the yota and the "mini" wheeler 35x10.5's on stock yota axles. Gotta conform so I may as well ensure I have the maximum amount of traction possible... :cheer:

I see your vision now....you could even run studs in the boggers to grip the slick, wet roots we see in the pnw :D
Hmm a buddy at a tire shop told me if I'd drill them he'd put as many studs in my tires as I wanted... Maybe have to stud the sidewalls too... :redneck:

Is it bad I'm thinking the "mini wheeler" will get tubbed and 35x16.5x15 boggers in the back? Damned thing will be a steamroller but probably kick ass in the mud drags. :D
OK guys there's a little bit of good news in all of this...Though it doesn't effect you Evans guys the PROPOSED travel management plan is available for the south Cle Elum/ Naches areas and the only width restrictions I've found are for ATV's which can't be over 50" wide....I haven't taken a look at the actual map and what trails are there though.
This doesn't mean they won't change it when the final map is ready.
OK guys there's a little bit of good news in all of this...Though it doesn't effect you Evans guys the PROPOSED travel management plan is available for the south Cle Elum/ Naches areas and the only width restrictions I've found are for ATV's which can't be over 50" wide....I haven't taken a look at the actual map and what trails are there though.
This doesn't mean they won't change it when the final map is ready.

Who is doing the proposing? Where can we find this group/person to help support... I like some of the changes that they are looking at making.
Who is doing the proposing? Where can we find this group/person to help support... I like some of the changes that they are looking at making.

It's the USFS. They took public input on this plan for the last 5 years or so. Most people tend to not give input until they see things not the way they want but it's probably too late.....This plan is supposed to be updated each year so maybe if we give input it could be used for the following year.
Who is doing the proposing? Where can we find this group/person to help support... I like some of the changes that they are looking at making.

The PNW4WDA has been very active in this plan since its inception (sp) Talk to Merrick, (murk) as I believe he has had a big part in making sure our trails have been included on the maps. Dave Mcmains has also been very involved in this process as well.
I dont think its that people dont want to support the cause... but you have to agree this is the age old problem... communication. I understand that the PNW4WDA is working hard and maybe NWW is also but the general public like hunters that use ATVs on FS 1701 near Manastash would like to be able to ride to and from there hunting spot without trailering there quad every morning or in fear of a ticket every time they go out. I know this may not seem like much but I know personally.

I guess I am trying to say that if there was better media from the FS or offroad groups then we might have a shot.

Not complaining... I just really want to know/help. I love this sport and want it to last. PM me if there is anything I can do or you want to flame me. :awesomework:
I dont think its that people dont want to support the cause... but you have to agree this is the age old problem... communication. I understand that the PNW4WDA is working hard and maybe NWW is also but the general public like hunters that use ATVs on FS 1701 near Manastash would like to be able to ride to and from there hunting spot without trailering there quad every morning or in fear of a ticket every time they go out. I know this may not seem like much but I know personally.

I guess I am trying to say that if there was better media from the FS or offroad groups then we might have a shot.

Not complaining... I just really want to know/help. I love this sport and want it to last. PM me if there is anything I can do or you want to flame me. :awesomework:

Well to answer your question these are the people with the authority to change these types of things.
bla bla bla bla.......

I will once again say my .02$. Get involved--when you hear about these "public" input meetings--go.

This is another pure example of folks not wanting to lift a finger to help our sport---those who have thrown up there hands in disgrace/pissed who have never been involved go look in the mirror and yell at it.

People are so eager and willing to spend countless hours building/fixing there rigs but won't put even 1 days worth a Year into helping protect or change our sport for the better.
bla bla bla bla.......

I will once again say my .02$. Get involved--when you hear about these "public" input meetings--go.

This is another pure example of folks not wanting to lift a finger to help our sport---those who have thrown up there hands in disgrace/pissed who have never been involved go look in the mirror and yell at it.

People are so eager and willing to spend countless hours building/fixing there rigs but won't put even 1 days worth a Year into helping protect or change our sport for the better.

I want to Mike, I want to help... Im not saying I dont. I belong to Snohomish County Search and Rescue on the 4x4 team and all the members are interested in coming to the meetings. Is there a website I can find the meeting scheduals? Thank you for your $.02 but not everyone belongs to NWW and if they do they may not check it everyday. Im just saying if there could be a little more public way of doing things it may help.. hell you may even get people that want to help but dont even wheel. Yesterday at safeway I donated $1.00 to breast cancer research... I dont have breast cancer nor does anyone I know... but because I was flashing infront of me I did it and I think its a good thing. Do you see what Im saying? I know you could say... "its there fault for not getting involved!" Yes maybe. I have talked to many people that dont even know these things are happening. This tells me its not public.. There are still people that didnt realize Reiter is closed. Come on!!! Spread the word!!! :awesomework::cheer:
I want to Mike, I want to help... Im not saying I dont. I belong to Snohomish County Search and Rescue on the 4x4 team and all the members are interested in coming to the meetings. Is there a website I can find the meeting scheduals? Thank you for your $.02 but not everyone belongs to NWW and if they do they may not check it everyday. Im just saying if there could be a little more public way of doing things it may help.. hell you may even get people that want to help but dont even wheel. Yesterday at safeway I donated $1.00 to breast cancer research... I dont have breast cancer nor does anyone I know... but because I was flashing infront of me I did it and I think its a good thing. Do you see what Im saying? I know you could say... "its there fault for not getting involved!" Yes maybe. I have talked to many people that dont even know these things are happening. This tells me its not public.. There are still people that didnt realize Reiter is closed. Come on!!! Spread the word!!! :awesomework::cheer:

Its a age old problem that we have been fighting with for years. Suggestions on how better to reach out are always welcome as well as ways to fund such things.
Its a age old problem that we have been fighting with for years. Suggestions on how better to reach out are always welcome as well as ways to fund such things.

If a bumb can beg on the side of the road in Seattle and get money for his cause then why cant we? Why cant we stand in front of Safeway or maybe a Napa and bend peoples ear about what we are doing? Like selling girl scout cookies! I have done TONS of fund raisers from selling cupons for football, popcorn for boy scouts, car washes, all sorts of things like this and they all include talking to the public. If a leader would like to print out some flyers for us to set up in Cycle barn, Napa, Fastenal, Arlington Hardware, Randys Exhaust.. and then a ton more to had out at the front of Home Dept, Lowes, Safeway... ex... You might be shocked at how many people show up... If its sold right to the people you can do anything.
I want to Mike, I want to help... Im not saying I dont. I belong to Snohomish County Search and Rescue on the 4x4 team and all the members are interested in coming to the meetings. Is there a website I can find the meeting scheduals? Thank you for your $.02 but not everyone belongs to NWW and if they do they may not check it everyday. Im just saying if there could be a little more public way of doing things it may help.. hell you may even get people that want to help but dont even wheel. Yesterday at safeway I donated $1.00 to breast cancer research... I dont have breast cancer nor does anyone I know... but because I was flashing infront of me I did it and I think its a good thing. Do you see what Im saying? I know you could say... "its there fault for not getting involved!" Yes maybe. I have talked to many people that dont even know these things are happening. This tells me its not public.. There are still people that didnt realize Reiter is closed. Come on!!! Spread the word!!! :awesomework::cheer:

As Jim stated our biggest battle is getting the info out to those who are not on the net. There are still folks on the net who just simply wish to not educate by reading on whats going on and thats what my post was in refernce to---getting involved after its too late. But I do understand what you are saying. :awesomework:

If a bumb can beg on the side of the road in Seattle and get money for his cause then why cant we? Why cant we stand in front of Safeway or maybe a Napa and bend peoples ear about what we are doing? Like selling girl scout cookies! I have done TONS of fund raisers from selling cupons for football, popcorn for boy scouts, car washes, all sorts of things like this and they all include talking to the public. If a leader would like to print out some flyers for us to set up in Cycle barn, Napa, Fastenal, Arlington Hardware, Randys Exhaust.. and then a ton more to had out at the front of Home Dept, Lowes, Safeway... ex... You might be shocked at how many people show up... If its sold right to the people you can do anything.

Those are great ideas--but here lies the problem with that---you need volunteer man power to do this. The true issue is the fact you have the same few who are very involved, who are getting worn out and tired. Those folks can only do so much--we need more volunteer help to even think of trying those ideas you have stated.
I think the DNR is doing a decent job of getting info out to the public via their online blog, recreation update emails, Facebook, etc...maybe the Forest Service could take some notes & try something similar?

Link to DNR online blog
