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Facetube creepiness...

Eddyj said:
I also joined the Facebook hardline whatever group. John can you elaborate on this? I know it's not official, but does it have your blessing? Who is Andy? What are your views on my them using the club name?

They were a club in Augusta GA. They have no affiliation with the Hardline Crawlers Club or the Hardline Crawlers Forum. It has been talked about and does not have our blessing. But, both clubs started about 2007. We went the route of hard core wheeling, they stayed with stockish Land Cruisers.

Their "Future Events talk about a 2008 trip to Tellico.


Their forum is offline.


Hardline Crawlers does not need or want a Facebook presence, as we want all discussion to take place on the boards.
Interesting... It hadn't even crossed my mind that it might not be the same thing as this site. It seems that there are quite a few cross-over members from this site and that page though. I have seen a number of things posted there that I have also seen posted here (for sale ads and such).

Thanks for clearing that up John, I didn't mean to :stir:
TN12Valve said:
Interesting... It hadn't even crossed my mind that it might not be the same thing as this site. It seems that there are quite a few cross-over members from this site and that page though. I have seen a number of things posted there that I have also seen posted here (for sale ads and such).

Thanks for clearing that up John, I didn't mean to :stir:

No stirring here.

[serenity prayer]
JohnG said:
No stirring here.

[serenity prayer]

I haven't heard that in a while. :dblthumb:

Funny how little things like that can make a huge difference in your day! Thanks!
TN12Valve said:
I haven't heard that in a while. :dblthumb:

Funny how little things like that can make a huge difference in your day! Thanks!

I live my life by it. Try to share it often. On of the best things I got from being sent off to "school" in Ensley. But that is a story for a campfire.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time. Enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking, as he did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to his will. That I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with him forever in the next.