Well-Known Member
I'd keep my day job for sure. I average about 36 hrs a week and only commute 5 miles.
The land I have my eye on is just over 100 acres, connects to another 400 acre farm that runs cattle. It's half field that has been row cropped and half wooded. Listed at $2500/acre.
That's a big chunk of change in my eyes, plus build a house, plus fencing and farm stuffs. I have a old tractor and a few attachments, but no hay working stuff.
I do have 25 acres of good grass at work I could cut for hay.
If I could pull the trigger on it tomorrow and be able to make the payment I would. I could sell my place now to make the down payment, but I wouldn't have a place to live!
The land I have my eye on is just over 100 acres, connects to another 400 acre farm that runs cattle. It's half field that has been row cropped and half wooded. Listed at $2500/acre.
That's a big chunk of change in my eyes, plus build a house, plus fencing and farm stuffs. I have a old tractor and a few attachments, but no hay working stuff.
I do have 25 acres of good grass at work I could cut for hay.
If I could pull the trigger on it tomorrow and be able to make the payment I would. I could sell my place now to make the down payment, but I wouldn't have a place to live!