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fathers of hardline

get a head start and start buying diapers and wipes by the truck load :dblthumb:
while in the hospital, stash all the diapers and baby blankets you can. if they go in your room, they get thrown out (or so I hear)

hormones for sure....that really kicked in with my wife the last couple of months before birth
she ' s beautiful and youre an a** hole. remember this and you ll be fine. we re expecting our second.
A couple weeks after the baby arrives and you come home and the milk is in the pantry and the cereal is in the referigerator, send her ass back to work. Trust me on this one... :****:
Don't buy diapers. you'll get tons from friends and family. Don't buy a whole bunch of baby stuff, again you'll just get it and not even no where it came from. Let her know early that she's in control of the baby. never volunteer to watch it, make her believe she's the only one that can take care of it. That way you'll have more free time. especially at night. Babys are great but they really don't get fun for the guys untill after one year old. two years old it's gets real fun, then everyday gets better and better.
I gained about 2 pounds for every 1 pound she gained :****:
Gongratulations and they are right about buying baby stuff, just let everyone else buy it for you. If you get more than you can use, then ya'll can give it as gifts later on.
Never ever ask her what is "wrong". That will send her in the emotional spin cycle. Just go with the flow and say "yes, of course dear" to any request she has, no matter how strange it sounds. Every trip to Wal-Mart go ahead and throw a box of diapers in starting now. You will get some from friends and family, but it will not be enough.
1TONZR2 said:
while in the hospital, stash all the diapers and baby blankets you can. if they go in your room, they get thrown out (or so I hear)
laughing1, No, thats not true and the nurses generally know when someone is "stealing" diapers and such from the room.
Yeah dude, Diapers you have no idea how many you will use. I kinda agree with Brad, the first year is not much fun for dad's. Samuel is very fun these days and he is busy and into everything. One thing everyone says that you really don't understand until you have a kid is the lack of sleep. So sleep in while you can and enjoy it, you will never really sleep much again! Samuel sleeps through the night almost all the time now, but when the sun comes up he is up. I mean sleeping till 7am on a weekend is considered a miracle at our house.

Also during flu and cold season when they are babies be super anal about germs, hand washing and who hold the baby, etc. Also you and your wife and any close family should get your flu shots and any other vacines you need to catch up on. If a baby gets bad sick it cripples their immune system and they catch everything, which means you catch everything. Samuel got sick the day after Christmas, RSV which is respritory and was in Children's hospital for a few days. From that point on he was sick once a week for 3-4 months, and we were all sick with him. Having a baby is hard, but a sick baby is miserable especialy when you are sick trying to take care of him. They don't eat, sleep, etc. DON'T LET YOUR BABY GET SICK!!!
laughing1, No, thats not true and the nurses generally know when someone is "stealing" diapers and such from the room.

well, I wasnt talkin about taking the whole package as soon as they bring a new one in! just a few at a time to help out later. I know when we left the hospital they gave us like 2 or 3 packages, plus blankets.

if you have friends that have had kids, they will more than likely be giving you plenty of baby stuff, especially if they are not going to be using it. we got stuff from one of my co workers that was brand new that they never used with their baby. our baby is growing out of her clothes fast (into 6-9mo old pj's @ 3.5mo) so she still hasnt worn all her baby stuff, especially new born.

congrats dude! its something you will never forget

oh and if you watch the birth, dont look down there after its done........ :****: just sayin...

1TONZR2 said:
oh and if you watch the birth, dont look down there after its done........ :****: just sayin...

I generally recommend staying away from the business end altogether, up by the head holding a hand is the way to go. I accidentally took a look at the business end after the birth when the doctor was sewing it up, please don't do that....
Bones said:
molaugh molaugh molaugh

And a woman says it's such a miracle and such a beautiful thing.

Doubt I ever have the chance to see an inside out vag in my lifetime. laughing1

You are not missing anything, trust me! And also when they come in to check her to see how much she has dilated, DO NOT LOOK UNDER THE SHEET UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!
bigsilly said:
You are not missing anything, trust me! And also when they come in to check her to see how much she has dilated, DO NOT LOOK UNDER THE SHEET UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!
I watch enough pRon to have seen dilated pusses to extremes I never thought possible.