NWW Meanie
Wow I didn't know I had a tacoma thats funny:
was not talking about yours

toyota people in general
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Wow I didn't know I had a tacoma thats funny:
was not talking about yours
toyota people in general
Toyota has a more reliable engine that will typically run for a ton of miles when well maintained :fawkdancesmiley:
Ya in the bed of a dump truck headed to the wrecking yard:fawkdancesmiley:4.0L's will go 250k+ without rebuilds all day long :;
Ya in the bed of a dump truck headed to the wrecking yard:fawkdancesmiley:
Funny thing is, that's where my 4.0L out of my XJ went at 240k miles... but only because I parted the rig out and couldn't GIVE the motor away... it still ran fine... I guess nobody needs good running 4.0's to drop in their rigs, because they already have one.
Oh yeah, what about all those 3.0's with burnt valves and blown head gaskets, eh Alpine? :flipoff: :stirpot:
actually you did say "your sas'd tacoma..." and his isn't...:76: :5bitch:
Haha im just throwing shawt. I know the 4.0l is one of the best engines ever made...i wouldnt hesitate to have one at all if i owned a jeep. Hey ive only gone through one head gasket and no burnt vlaves...261k:fawkdancesmiley:Funny thing is, that's where my 4.0L out of my XJ went at 240k miles... but only because I parted the rig out and couldn't GIVE the motor away... it still ran fine... I guess nobody needs good running 4.0's to drop in their rigs, because they already have one.
Oh yeah, what about all those 3.0's with burnt valves and blown head gaskets, eh Alpine? :flipoff: :stirpot:
All of them suck, I 'am goin KIA!
lets see... my "heep" has 120:1 crawl ratio and still able to fly down the freeway at 70 with no troubles.... not too bad from an old 79 cj
my toyota has a 510 to 1 crawl ratio and still able to drive down the freeway at 80mph everyday for the last 250,000 miles. :looser:
It's not so much a crawl ratio as a clinically dead but the family won't pull the plug just yet ratio...