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for those that pray

wow, I’ve got a 7 month old boy and I can’t even imagine what’s going through your head right now. keep us updated and I’m hoping for the best for him and your family
My son went through the same thing when he was 2 or 3. They're probably just fevrile seizures, if I'm being optimistic. He only had them when he popped over 102°, but he got over them as he got older. My folks said I had them too, but I don't remember.

Regardless, much prayers for your wee-one. It is very encouraging to see all our web-wheelers outpouring of suppot, there is no other community or sport like us, hands down! thumb.gif
they released him to go home late yesterday. they think they were frebral seizures but it is a more complex case due to him having 2 within an hour of each other. they gave us some meds to use if he were to have another one.
thanks for all the prayers, thoughts, and words
Glad to hear he is going home..I'll send up another prayer for good for no return attacks..

It's these moments that will rip the hardest man down to a snail filled with weakness...Father hood.
I know your fear my brother in Christ, my son had one as well when he was two scared me so bad when it was happing that all I could do was beg God not to take him away from me by time we got to the ER he was up playing, He always ran high fevers when he was sick so did I, now he's 21 and strong as a mule, so don't lose faith GOD is awsome and will take care of his children.