rockwild said:
I feel the bank should be responsible for giving out an f'd up loan and shouldn't be able to come back at the individual.
You can not be serious?
The banks fully believe every loan they give out is legitimate, and expect repayment at an agreed interest rate (cost of borrowing money).
But just to be sure, and just in case, they need to protect their money so they have liens against the assets they have loaned money on. The bank didn't go out an decide it needed to purchase a house on CherryVale Ln in Bumfuck, Kansas. You did, and its your responsibility to have determined if you could or could not afford said property.
Banks are businesses, and well they make bad loans. Most of those loans that go bad were loaned in deception. Being the person asking for money decived the bank to procure the loan. Now there are a few of the NINJA's out there, but that is a very very small portion of the mortgage market.
Fact of the matter is if you signed your name to a martgage note thats YOUR responsibility, not the banks not the governments, YOURS. If you dont like it. Sell the property pay off as much of the note as possible, and file for Bankruptcy protection. You're credit will take a hit, but most banks will work with you and keep you out of bankruptcy. They just want their money back. If you file then they have to wait to collect their money.
Now if they foreclose, they tack all those costs associated with the repossession, and resale onto what you owe them.
Not sure if you have seen Craigslist, but there have been tons of people selling fixtures out of their homes. DOors, cabinets, waterheaters, everything for cash then letting the banks foreclose. Well guess what, the bank will still sell the house, but for less, and come after you for the difference. As you have materially reduced the value of the home.