5BrothersFabrication said:I like other people's cats and dogs. I don't have cats but I have a bloodhound outside that barks NONSTOP at EVERYFUCKINTHING. Neighbor coming home, neighbor leaving, neighbor mowing, neighbor on the porch smoking, mail man, garbage truck, bicycle dicks (regular goddamn tour de france around here), squirrel, cat, kid, raccoon, ****in mosquito. Thought about doing the no-bark surgery, but 1:that'll be when some prick breaks in on us, and 2: whats the point of having a badass coon dog without that snazzy bark?lose-lose I reckon.
if that ain't ghey I don't know what is. :****:JohnG said:I had a salesman that used to call on me.
jta said:I hate cats too. To all those with the barking dogs have you tried teaching them the command "speak"? My dog started barking as a puppy and I read that was a good way to get them to stop doing it randomly. He will still alert us at noises out side but rarely barks other than when he really should be or is commanded.
Video it, or no one will believe it happened....LightBnDr said:When my wife is scooping **** out of a box every night, I will stand over her sometimes and say "I can't believe you like those disgusting animals" then she says "Cats are cleaner than dogs, they are always clean". So I said "Ok, one night I'm gonna come in here and take a huge **** in that box, naked. Then I'm gonna use my bare hands to cover it up then walk around in circles a few times. Then I'm gonna come get in bed with you and cuddle and sit on your chest"
That sound clean to you?