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We have a cat and aside from being a pain in the ass about being fed and watered she is ok. She thinks if her food bowl is less than half full it should be refilled. She is pretty funny though because for some reason she loves me and hates the wife

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We live on an old sod farm which means cats are part of our lives due to field mice and such. Outside only. The have a purpose. Somehow I always find a cat that is stray and bring it home. I like cray non lazy hungry cats. Hardly ever see a varmit. Fun to watch the on the hunt and kill.
No cats in my house or outside,my dogs hate them. I'm allergic to them...sumbitches make my eyes water and swell up and I get wheezy. Plus like mentioned before,don't want anything that shits in the house either!! Got no time for poop scoopin'... :puke: Oh almost forgot, damn good reason for not going to my mother in laws house!! :dblthumb:
I'll stick with my Shitzhu. Laid back little feller,almost eleven years old and had him since he was a pup. Dread the day he leaves me! :****:


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5BrothersFabrication said:
I like other people's cats and dogs. I don't have cats but I have a bloodhound outside that barks NONSTOP at EVERYFUCKINTHING. Neighbor coming home, neighbor leaving, neighbor mowing, neighbor on the porch smoking, mail man, garbage truck, bicycle dicks (regular goddamn tour de france around here), squirrel, cat, kid, raccoon, ****in mosquito. Thought about doing the no-bark surgery, but 1:that'll be when some prick breaks in on us, and 2: whats the point of having a badass coon dog without that snazzy bark? :dunno: lose-lose I reckon.

That makes 2 of us lol love my bloodhound but damn she is loud and barks at everything that moves, which is not always a bad thing :****:

Any inside animal is not welcome at my house but outside I have a cat that I picked up on my fourwheeler 17 years ago he has outlasted 3 dogs and is still kickin he won't eat hard food anymore I'm guessing it hurts his teeth. But he is the coolest cat I've ever been around. he thinks he is a dog comes when you call him. He used to come hang out wih me in the shop till late at night when I was building my old cab truck grinders welding or other loud noises didn't even phase him! I don't know how much longer he will make it but it'll deffinately be a sad day for me when he leaves!
I have a split- personality I hate cats but I love *****

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B.DRAKE said:
That makes 2 of us lol love my bloodhound but damn she is loud and barks at everything that moves, which is not always a bad thing :****:


Got a pic? This is mine, Daisy, she is the great great great grand daughter of Duke from the Beverly Hillbillies.

I had a salesman that used to call on me. His wife spayed the neighbors cat. Talk about a fight. She should have used the fish principal. Keep your mouth shut and you won't get caught.
LOL @ people calling on top of others.

I used to have two cats. The furry one left when the bald one did. I'll let you decide which was which.
Ok, if my man card is revoked, then so be it.

Setup the fuzzy asses a place to go thats not in the house, cut a hole in the wall between the house and garage and built a litter box box. Big enough for 2 pans, put the trash can beside it, plastic bags on top, shop vac mounted on the wall, and put in a much needed sink. Had all this stuff laying around the house, so There will be no spraying out pans in the freezing cold this winter, which means wifey can handle all the crap with ease. :****:


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I hate cats too. To all those with the barking dogs have you tried teaching them the command "speak"? My dog started barking as a puppy and I read that was a good way to get them to stop doing it randomly. He will still alert us at noises out side but rarely barks other than when he really should be or is commanded.
jta said:
I hate cats too. To all those with the barking dogs have you tried teaching them the command "speak"? My dog started barking as a puppy and I read that was a good way to get them to stop doing it randomly. He will still alert us at noises out side but rarely barks other than when he really should be or is commanded.

Yeah, I started the sit, lie down, shake, and speak at a very young age, but now she won't shut up. :****:
My wife and I got married almost a year ago now, thought to myself she has two cats but that's ok I'm sure they will die soon or we will get rid of them...Nope, should have done that before we got married lesson learned! Anyway I think I've got my wife convinced that we only need one cat so she is willing to give up the white persian cat who by the way is deaf and as a result might be semi retarded. Any way the cat is neutered and declawed but my wife won't let the retard just go to anyone she wants to make sure it has a good home... So if anyone knows some one that is in search of a deaf, retard, persian cat that sheds make sure and send them my way please
When my wife is scooping **** out of a box every night, I will stand over her sometimes and say "I can't believe you like those disgusting animals" then she says "Cats are cleaner than dogs, they are always clean". So I said "Ok, one night I'm gonna come in here and take a huge **** in that box, naked. Then I'm gonna use my bare hands to cover it up then walk around in circles a few times. Then I'm gonna come get in bed with you and cuddle and sit on your chest"

That sound clean to you?

LightBnDr said:
When my wife is scooping **** out of a box every night, I will stand over her sometimes and say "I can't believe you like those disgusting animals" then she says "Cats are cleaner than dogs, they are always clean". So I said "Ok, one night I'm gonna come in here and take a huge **** in that box, naked. Then I'm gonna use my bare hands to cover it up then walk around in circles a few times. Then I'm gonna come get in bed with you and cuddle and sit on your chest"

That sound clean to you?
Video it, or no one will believe it happened....