"Austria, well then, G'day mate, throw another shrimp on the barbie"
"lets not"
Yesterday, got done at 12:30 last night between finishing up the tahoe with a 1480 machined front driveshaft, got wyatt's link material and the DOM for heath and another jeep project's cages in, haggled with some people from Tajikstan on a price for michelle's pathfinder unitl 11. They ****ing drove from omaha to look at/buy it. My price was $4300 on the web. they get down there, drive it, pick it apart, **** around for 2 hours, offer me ****ing $3400

I wrote 4200 on a paper, slid it over and said "last price" (that's what he was asking in broken english, last price?) At 11 (they showed up at 7:45) they drive away $4100 lighter. I budged $200 just to get it gone to make the wife happy. Now, hopefully the cashiers check for half of it bounces and we can report it stolen, take the 2K cash and get the insurance check. laughing Also did a panhard, rear shaft shorten, limit straps, steering set, all kinds of **** to the tahoe. he drove it home last night.......tranny went out about 20 miles from my house, 10 miles from his. he towed it home and got there at 3am. I didn't touch the tranny, so that's all hiim.
today, go start on a cage for Poetter's jeep (his brother pat). rip the **** out of some cars. tonight, out to eat with ex coworker and wives
Tommorrow, church, cage action, scrap cars
monday, cage action or go to Nebraska for work, pipeline job. we'll know monday morning whether we leave monday morning laughing