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Ftoy #518 build

muddinmetal said:
Where is this ^^^^^ ?

Oh look tapatalk is working lol

Sorry I meant ADventure Whoops


I got my work cut out for me!!

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It wasn't working for this particular thread? Random

It would work for everything else

But it works now , thanks john

Sent from this bust'd ass iPhone

Two more things I get to fix in the following weekends! Yay!....

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If you're gonna fix thinkgs like that you're never gonna get to wheel it… at some point you gotta realize that its an ftoy with square driveshafts
Not sure what exactly that spose to mean... But. oOok!

Guess in that case I should have just left everything the way it was!
That's for the support!

Guess I shouldnt fix **** like this either.

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If you'll recall I agreed with you that the work you paid for was junk and kudos' for standing up for yourself and all that… my comment was meant to provoke thought on just how far are you gonna go on fixing things when you said your goal was to have something to wheel…You also said you let the hacks work on it because you don't have time to do it yourself... it looks like the out of square tube will be covered by the purty skins you made… some folks build to wheel and some folks wheel to build, kinda like folks that live to work, or work to live.. I work to live so I'd rock that ****.. just my opinion nothin personal man.. good luck on the rebuild, it really looks nice :woot:
No prob! Thanks for the comments!

I'm gonna wheel it for sure I'm gonna try to make it to a few big rides this year but I like to put put around! So small rounds are always my favorite.. I hate the feeling of being in the way.

But back at the rebuild.. I just like my chit being right... And square!
Hope she does well this weekend

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hjpcummins said:

Two more things I get to fix in the following weekends! Yay!....

Sent from this bust'd ass iPhone
You call it out of square, I call it rake Put some skins on it and ride. I think it's lookin pretty good now. Don't see how you got everything fixed so fast. Keep up the good work and beat the **** out of it :dblthumb:
We'll everything went extremely well!

Guess I'm not to back at this fabrication stuff if I didn't brake a single thing!!! wINNING!

Adventure is a great place, well organized and clean!

But I can say after seeing that terrible wreck as it happened, my main concern now is safety! Helmets and padding

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Great meeting yall this weekend. This rig is a blast...he did everything VERY well. Good guy also. Cannt wait to see how it looks when finished.

Thanks mo and Ben, it was good to meet some good people on the trail! Out next ride should be wounded warriors. Hit me up with your # to keep in contact

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