About a million different things. Check the trouble codes first.
Throbble body gasket.
No trouble codes... Yesterday the CEL light came on and it ran like ****. But then 10 seconds later it was fine. Only happened twice, and now no light.
My first guess was the TPS. I adjusted it, no affect. Now I need to search for a leak. :booo:
Oh some info would probably help. 4.6 stroker inline 6 with GM TBI.
Throbble body gasket.
hmmm would explain why I see the egr valve code come up... now I just have to find the damn EGR valve![]()
Jeep?? side of your intake.. Round metal thing. should be under the throttle body.
The timing way far advanced can cause a high idle also.
Other then that I would find a way to plug the IAC fresh air inlet hole and see if it still idles more then about 5-600 RPM if it dose you have an air leak like most are saying. IF it dies and the timing is correct then most likely the Idle Air Control valve is kaput.