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GMP - Hardline Ride - August 19-21, 2016

tyleecw said:
This from the guy who rode double with JohnG in the single seater buggy?
Had to. Wanted to see how them c/o's was ridin.. Of course then there was all them promises that were made to me if I would just "hop on in" . That sealed the deal. Away we went!
kushKrawlin said:
Had to. Wanted to see how them c/o's was ridin.. Of course then there was all them promises that were made to me if I would just "hop on in" . That sealed the deal. Away we went!

Yeah, but did you hafta straddle facing him?
Look man. I was just glad to be there. Hell I got a sticker for it!?? How the hell yall get stickers? Was told that was the only way and that everyone else had already done it... It was dark tho so it wasn't that weird.
kushKrawlin said:
Look man. I was just glad to be there. Hell I got a sticker for it!?? How the hell yall get stickers? Was told that was the only way and that everyone else had already done it... It was dark tho so it wasn't that weird.

So what your saying is John G's van doesn't say free candy, but instead free stickers? Hey little fella, want a free sticker? :stir: ;D
I'm in. Hopefully the jeep will have a cage by then. Cough 5bros Cough
The Luke said:
I'm in. Hopefully the jeep will have a cage by then. Cough 5bros Cough

That sumbitch is slower than steam off a fresh pile of **** on a cold December day. Oh wait that's me. Lol. Never mind.
Re: Re: GMP - Hardline Ride - August 19-21, 2016

5BrothersFabrication said:
I gotta trade/start over/redo mine first. She's to fat. ::)
Wait a minute.....you're going to make the old girl skinny? Say it ain't so.

Sent from my SM-S920L using Tapatalk
Quit screwing around and just build a buggy. Hack the body off and start sticking toob all over that thing
5BrothersFabrication said:
I gotta trade/start over/redo mine first. She's to fat. ::)

Just needs bigger TARS! :****:

I like the IDEA of building up a full body exploder or 3rd gen 4runner on tons, with a/c and a sealed cab... but they end up weighing 6000+ lbs and won't climb a wet access trail.

You could just take off all the doors, fully gut the interior, and take out all the glass. I bet it would drop 700+lbs.

The doors, glass, and roof on a regular cab Toyota pickup is about 300+ lbs.
The Luke said:
Quit screwing around and just build a buggy. Hack the body off and start WHEELING

Yeah, dude. Grow some sac and cut the body off. Then WHEEL!



Pholman got in too much of a hurry selling that Ranger! Would've been a perfect starting point for you, I'm sure ya could have added some seats somehow.

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He's doing better to trade what he has. If he sells anything she will have that cash and then he will have ****.
pholmann said:
He's doing better to trade what he has. If he sells anything she will have that cash and then he will have ****.
He'll still have the boys Sammy! He can sit in it and make weepow noises!
Hell no, I can't even access my paypal. I axed the bank account it was associated with, the paypal card is too scratched up to read, so any future buggy purchases will have to be done via the ol' innerwebz. I could just sell the Exploder and 6.0/60/14 the Sami... :smoke: