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Goforth bounty hill info ??

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Re: Re: Goforth bounty hill info ??

454tbacon said:
So if Scott charged 10 bucks would it had been a better show???
Where was it actually at?

A park/area that you could bring your own rig and ride?

Or was it just to watch some people hit one hill?
454tbacon said:
So if Scott charged 10 bucks would it had been a better show???

I wouldn't feel like I lost anything for $10. I throw away $10 on a freight train race at a shitty asphalt track. $25 is big feature dirt late money. I know, dirt lates and bouncing are different, but the spectator expectation is the same.

Not cutting you down Tim, I root like hell for team Bacon at all the events. I'm just looking at it from a spectator's viewpoint that has been to a big show for the same $25.
I had a great time!! Would like to say thanks for the people that put on the event and thanks to the drivers that put on a great show!!!!!!!
Probly the reason it wasn't advertised on Hardline,didn,t want a bunch of critics there,lol.
The cost is what kept me and several I know from going. The last non srrs event at windrock didn't cost 25$ per person. I'm by no means saying it wasn't a 25$ show because I wasnt there, but just saying the spectator fee and lack of wheeling before/after just didn't seem worth it to me. I do feel it was a little steep, but it wasn't my party so.......
Re: Re: Goforth bounty hill info ??

TBItoy said:
Where was it actually at?

A park/area that you could bring your own rig and ride?

Or was it just to watch some people hit one hill?

It was on a private farm. You could bring your own atv,SxS or rig and ride after the event!
5BrothersFabrication said:
I wouldn't feel like I lost anything for $10. I throw away $10 on a freight train race at a shitty asphalt track. $25 is big feature dirt late money. I know, dirt lates and bouncing are different, but the spectator expectation is the same.

Not cutting you down Tim, I root like hell for team Bacon at all the events. I'm just looking at it from a spectator's viewpoint that has been to a big show for the same $25.
Thanks for the support,we need all we can get.
Thanks for the info, I,m out ,too many candy ass web wheelers on here anyway,
bjeep said:
If you don't like hardline. Don't come here !!!! :gtfo:
454tbacon said:
Thanks for the info, I,m out ,too many candy ass web wheelers on here anyway,

I wonder how many candy ass web wheelers from this site paid to come watch you play, have paid in the past to watch you play, and will pay in the future now that they know what you think of them. Do you really think rock racing can survive on just the income brought in by those participating directly? You've intimated multiple times on this forum that you feel like the people who don't directly participate are somehow lesser than you. That seems closed minded to me. By definition, aren't spectators indirect participants? If they were direct, they wouldn't be spectating. Or what if people just have better things to do than throw money at a hill? Wouldn't that make you the lesser person to them? You act like rock bouncing is some form of higher calling. Its not.

That being said, I would rather pay $25 to watch a rock bouncer drive 10' on flat pavement than $1 to watch a roundy-round race of any kind.
This seems like a very stupid argument. It seems it's been taken very personal because some feel that the spectator fee was too steep. I've paid several times to see bounty hill events. I plan on it later this month. It seems that maybe this one had poor publicity due to the low turn out. Whatever the reason it's people's God given right to state if they think something was priced fairly. To say there are a bunch of candy ass web wheelers is pretty presumptuous. What makes you more of a wheeler than me or anyone else? Because you have deep pockets and can afford to basically offroad vertical drag race? I think there have been many comments that were out of line. I don't think stating an opinion that the spectator fee was too steep was out of line. I wheel every chance I can. Obviously that has to do with obligations, weather and of course funds. Maybe they should have promoted the event here. There are a lot of members on this forum. There are a lot of folks that don't facetube as well. I wouldn't have known anything about it if it weren't for some friends that have Facebook. More promotion and a fair price for the show and it could have been better.
#1 - What the hell will $25 buy you anyways?
#2 - JohnG is gonna be pissed if the new kinder gentler HL ran someone off
Sorry guys ,just pisses me off when somebody bad mouths a event that alot of folks worked so hard to put on,just don't say anything if you can't say something good.
454tbacon said:
Sorry guys ,just pisses me off when somebody bad mouths a event that alot of folks worked so hard to put on,just don't say anything if you can't say something good.

Take you own advice.
Don't hate on hardline. This is a great site !!!
454tbacon said:
Sorry guys ,just pisses me off when somebody bad mouths a event that alot of folks worked so hard to put on,just don't say anything if you can't say something good.

I can understand your frustration there, and that is a very level-headed response. Its a struggle to me to know when I'm putting forth a dissenting opinion vs. not saying something good. Sometimes an even bigger struggle to discern when someone else is doing the same. I think society has devolved into defaulting to thinking that people are always going to be negative. I'm working hard to try to give people the befit of the doubt these days. I think at least half the time people are just misunderstood.
Damn you got to speak ENGLISH.
patooyee said:
I can understand your frustration there, and that is a very level-headed response. Its a struggle to me to know when I'm putting forth a dissenting opinion vs. not saying something good. Sometimes an even bigger struggle to discern when someone else is doing the same. I think society has devolved into defaulting to thinking that people are always going to be negative. I'm working hard to try to give people the befit of the doubt these days. I think at least half the time people are just misunderstood.
Who cares, let's just ride. :dblthumb:

Don't know about ya'll but I am really looking forward to the GR ride at the end of this month. The timing of it really screwed with my riding schedule. It was just long enough after my last ride to make the wait longer than normal and just close enough to make another one before it not worth it. As a result I am really feeling the hankering.
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