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June dog said:
Well dam. Some of us in our small offroad group just started a go fund me today. But our reason is because one of the guys we ride with suddenly died while working to,support his wife and 3 yr old son. We are trying to help ease the burden on her and her child. I don't agree with starting one to benefit yourself. We started ours to try to give something to,someone that really needs the help. Just enough insurance to be laid to rest. The rest is on her now.

I feel like someone starting it as an easy way to collect funds for charity is something different that starting one for yourself.
Beerj said:
No, they'll only give it to those who really need it, for things like 40's and crack.

I could do without the crack....but a free set of sticky 40"s would be flashemifyougotem
Starting one for yourself, is total BS. But I have supported many that were started by friends for other friends. I love giving. Hell, I gave away 3/4's of the parts rig I just bought! I didn't need it, and it was to friends... makes me feel good. I like feeling good.
I don't guess I understand Drew. I thought our military had all their uniforms and regalia furnished to them. Not being of a military background, I am shocked. I think the sword is cool in the ceremonys, but I had no idea each soldier owned his own. We really should treat our military better, both in service and after.
That surprised me as well. Though looks like you can pick up "genuine" Marine Corps swords on ebay for less than 300. Not sure how they feel about that though.

The military gives you an allowance on uniforms. Then, you are responsible for keeping them clean, pressed and serviceable. My utilities were 56 for a blouse and 56 for trousers. Any rips or tears and I bought a new set out of pocket. Alphas (green uniform was provided). Dress blues were paid for out of pocket. All extras, boot polish at the time, brushes, insignia's, covers (hats), etc that get worn out, lost, stolen or broken are out of pocket. T-shirts and shorts are out of pocket and must be serviceable. No rips, tears or stains. If you want cold weather utilities, out of pocket. Inspections equal cleaned brass (back in the day with Brasso) or new anodized pieces. God for bid you fail an inspection. And the list goes on.

Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk
JohnG said:
I don't guess I understand Drew. I thought our military had all their uniforms and regalia furnished to them. Not being of a military background, I am shocked. I think the sword is cool in the ceremonys, but I had no idea each soldier owned his own. We really should treat our military better, both in service and after.

John, your assumption and Kel's assessment are correct...in part. Enlisted members are issued uniforms and do, in fact, receive an annual clothing allowance that is supposed to support maintenance of uniform items. Furthermore, Marine NCO swords are not required to be an individual possession item. They are actually available for use through the unit supply system. Officers, on the other hand, receive no such allowance and are required to purchase their own uniforms. Furthermore, swords are required and are one of the first things inspected at The Basic School.

The difference is that officers are paid significantly more than enlisted members.

lowbudgetjunk said:
The military gives you an allowance on uniforms. Then, you are responsible for keeping them clean, pressed and serviceable. My utilities were 56 for a blouse and 56 for trousers. Any rips or tears and I bought a new set out of pocket. Alphas (green uniform was provided). Dress blues were paid for out of pocket. All extras, boot polish at the time, brushes, insignia's, covers (hats), etc that get worn out, lost, stolen or broken are out of pocket. T-shirts and shorts are out of pocket and must be serviceable. No rips, tears or stains. If you want cold weather utilities, out of pocket. Inspections equal cleaned brass (back in the day with Brasso) or new anodized pieces. God for bid you fail an inspection. And the list goes on.

Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk

Kel, your age is showing, brother. We haven't polished boots in over a decade! :cougar:

I know. When I got my desert looking boots...the ones you just brush off. The first thing I thought was......what in the hell do they do in bootcamp? Spit shining boots took up 12% of my bootcamp life. Add to that not starching and pressing cammies. The only thing that came to mind was.....push, run, mountain climbers.

Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk

lowbudgetjunk said:
I know. When I got my desert looking boots...the ones you just brush off. The first thing I thought was......what in the hell do they do in bootcamp? Spit shining boots took up 12% of my bootcamp life. Add to that not starching and pressing cammies. The only thing that came to mind was.....push, run, mountain climbers.

Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk

That last part is bible. I came in right after we got the new ones. Just meant they had more games than Milton Bradley.
Me and my wife just posted a rant on the book of faces on this, I'm all for helping go fund me pages when it's in need. A friend did one for us when our house burnt . There is a huge difference in NEED and WANT. I'll help almost anyone in need, but wanting something is typically not a necessity for the basic things in life , I'll help people with food shelter clothing , monetary to help deaths, sickness etc. but I'm not giving money to someone who "wants " a rock crawler , **** enhancement or bad decision . I think most all hard working people understand ethics and basic life choices and who needs help and who is looking for something for nothing .
I tell you what, you Tuckers are alright in my book. Seemed like world class folks when I met you at RBD...especially for Yankees! :cougar:
Rockwells607 said:
Did we meet before , after or during the shine !?

Haha. Yeah man, we met and chatted a couple of times. I am not very memorable and I am totally ok with that. I expended a cold beverage on white trash at the bottom of RBD when it had that little flash fire.
Draco said:

You gotta be kidding me! What is scary is that people are actually donating money to that crap! Holy hell, what is this world coming to? Maybe I am the one in the wrong here. Clearly there is money to be made. I don't want to work anymore and I want to be a millionaire. You guys should all donate to support that dream of mine. :wtflol:

Mortalis5509 said:
Read some of the comments.

I did. I was dumbfounded. On a side note, we can all just vote for Sanders and we will basically get everything for nothing! I don't see how that could be an issue ever.