Now this is what happened deep into the beer drankin / bon fire session Friday night when Robby Bobby showed up outta tha blue and decided he wanted to help out Pete with the GOLD DIGGA build a little bit ,,,,,
Robby Bobby said NO hotos of him cause of somethin bout he can never be found that close to downtown Rome Ga. EVER again

,,, OH and he said he still liked B3 and was happy to help on his build even after that bad likker sales dispute they had a few years back
heres what he came up with to put the sho nuff Robby Bobby touch on tha GOLD DIGGA ,,,,,,
The ultimate ROLL BENDERED up Robby Bobby big bird brand MOWHAWK ,,,,,
Pete was more than proud to assist the legendary Robby Bobby with this phase of the build ,,,,
yall will definantly know this thang when you see it comin up trails ,,,,
after this got bendered up and weldered on Robby Bobby said the rest should be kept top secret TC style and that if I took any more pics he would thro my camera in the bonfire