Well-Known Member
Did your sister lose her virginity in a ford or something? Maybe your girlfriend in high school cheated on you in one? Your a damn broken record. :****:
Bwahahahahahahahaha!tonybolton said:[Thug life]Huntin fa *****,nigga.[/thug life]
pholmann said:Kinda like people probably didn't believe when we came into work talking about beating the piss out of the crack head that night. That was funny. Ah memories!!
onepieceatatime said:I don't know about you guys but I know my jeep seems to be a magnet for good bullshit stories. Guy at my last job knew a guy that built Sammies. Said he had a stock axle, stock wheel base zuki that would put one tire 6 foot in the air and leave all 3 on the ground.
drkelly said:There was a guy here at my work who we all called 'Topper' because he would always top your story with some crazy story. We had a list of them on a word document on a shared drive so we could all add his latest stories to it. He has been gone for a few years or more now. i'll have to see if someone still has a link to the word document.
LandSpeeder said:I climbed Los Primos with 30" street tires! Woulda gone straight up it had them fatasses not been at the top cock-blockin the trail.
Oh wait! Here's the video!