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Good times at the Outlet Mall.


Ididn't know you could fold a TSL like this! those things are stiff!!!----impressive!!!
about 5 hours
IIRC we started at 11am, and were done at 3pm. 4 hrs Jimbo. Could we have done it a bit faster, yes but not by much. Our group gave the lines hell, and if necessary pulled cable. There was no cable pulled for the first half of the trail that day, the second half now different story.:D
IIRC we started at 11am, and were done at 3pm. 4 hrs Jimbo. Could we have done it a bit faster, yes but not by much. Our group gave the lines hell, and if necessary pulled cable. There was no cable pulled for the first half of the trail that day, the second half now different story.:D

your right and I concur on your times I just cant do math:haha:
Wrong....Brian said troy had to pull cable to get himself back on all four!!!!:haha: :haha: He said first to flop and first to pull cable.:haha:

this is true, but I was the only one who had never seen the trail before and had no idea what was around ever corner. It was a stupid tip on my side tried to make a swing in one motion shoulda just done it in 2..

feel free to run it, I am sure you will do better :;
you goin in :D


At least not until later in the year for various reasons (mainly wet-ness). From what I am seeing though on the video and pictures, you will be hard pressed to see a leaf sprung vehicle doing very well on this trail.

My ****-box will be down for a run at it later in the season.