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GOP Presidential Debates, who's your candidate?

Well I certainly disagree if it forms a loophole to get back more than you paid in, that is definitely bullshit.
Its funny to see so many with positive things to say about a :JRich: :stir:

I think Ben Carson and Donald Trump could shake things up for Presidents and political offices to come. They may not make the best president, but they will open the door for non-career politicians to come in and start running for offices country wide. This is a change I could get on board for.
This is how I feel about each of the candidates-

Donald J. Trump- Don't trust him as far as I can throw him. Talks a big game, but House approval of ANY of his legislation will be impossible.
Ben Carson- I like him, but still on the fence with his democrap history.
Marco Rubio- Establishment candidate. Another reach across the aisle and stroke liberal cock to get bullshit legislation passed John McCain. **** him with a big rubber **** with a Bernie'16 sticker on it.
Jeb Bush- **** that moron.
Ted Cruz- This is my #2 guy. Says everything without hesitation or having to think about it, because he actually believes EVERYTHING HE SAYS.
Carly Fiorina- Nah. From liberal Commiefornia, kinda cunty, un-electable against Billary.
John R. Kasich- On the fence about this dude. Swing state jaggoff, yes, but he straightened a lot of **** out budget wise.
Rand Paul- As a libertarian, this is my guy. A fawk the establishment republican. It's a wonder they even gave him a podium they despise Rand so much.
rednecklights said:
Ben Carson

He should have been the United States first black president. #gameover

If you want to see the true story behind Ben Carson, watch the movie "Gifted hands" [size=10pt]RESPECT..[/size]. I am in no way racial against a black president, other than our current skid mark, but Ben Carson has grown up in this country and is legit... :dblthumb:
I'm a Libertarian who just wants the government to stay out of my business and let me do whatever I want to do as long as it doesn't impede on the rights of others. That's the idea the founders fought for and planned on implementing but we've strayed farther and farther away from that every day and it seems Rand Paul is the only guy who wants to do that.
Rand will never make it. Most American voters would not vote for Rand over a dem if it came down to it. I wish someone like him would and cut our government down to size, but I think his aggressiveness is detrimental to his success in this race.
YouTube how Ron Paul was treated in the 2012 election and you'll see why his son came out swinging. Rand Paul actually has the best chance of beating a Democrat because republicans will vote for whoever is nominated and as a libertarian Rand can also draw in the dems who support a candidate who believes in sticking to the parts of the Constitution that they believe in. When it comes down to it most of the country would identify as libertarian but are afraid to stand up against the establishment.
onepieceatatime said:
YouTube how Ron Paul was treated in the 2012 election and you'll see why his son came out swinging. Rand Paul actually has the best chance of beating a Democrat because republicans will vote for whoever is nominated and as a libertarian Rand can also draw in the dems who support a candidate who believes in sticking to the parts of the Constitution that they believe in. When it comes down to it most of the country would identify as libertarian but are afraid to stand up against the establishment.

Troof rite der.
