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GR - Dirt Riot & Open Ride - April 26-28, 2013

scottlang said:

Yup! U would be to if the wife was going! :flipoff1: Even though mine isn't coming do to illness I likes me a hot shower now! thumb.gif
Camping!! :drinkers: I have night rode the past 4 times I have been dunno but we always got with Tony first. I'm a big fan of river run at night dblthumb

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I need a a standard Daystar competition. Style bumpatops delivered to the race I have one that's broke and not helping a thing right now
. Loaded up and ready! I'm ready to wheel!!

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Good Times! Good Times! :dblthumb: Julio and Scott you still suck! :****: The boy and I had a blast!
Big thanks to Big Rich and Shelley who are awesome! :woot: :woot:

4400 Class -

First – Bill Baird had a smoking fast race – 23 laps over 3 hours
Second, Brian Shirley from Lucky Dog
Third, Jeff McCullough, AllSouth Motorsports

1. Travis Wilson
2. Scott Lang
3. Scott (Julio) Prince
4. Brian (BMan) Gray

MOD Trail
1. Tim (Pops) Carter
2. Sam Gillis
3. Kevin Hite
4. Todd Klueger
HAH!!!,,,THANKS B-Man ;D ,,,,yes that was a FUN race but all them whoops & washes took out the RATTLERS shocks bout halfway thru the race "also see gotta get real shocks",,,,and then the front springs got fawkerd up and popped over center and got STUCK like that for the last 3 laps :eek: ,,,Skillet and I decided to tough it out and keep goin anyway :wtflol:

THANKS to Big Rich and crew and to Tony & Myra fer havin us all out to race and to Skillet for hangin in there with me at the end!! :dblthumb:

I,ll get some pics up on the innernets sometime this week yall ;D
That was the right move too or I woulda regained the lap I was down and we woulda shared 3rd! :flipoff1: I made up one of the laps Scooter Lang got up on me...... My shocks held up well as the rest of the rig did....only issue I had which slowed me down is the prothane insert got jambed up onto the ACOS and bascially I lost my bump stop and progressive spring load. :( I'll tune that in for DTown so I can put some whoop pow down on ya! LOL!

Kudo's to all the winning racers and a big thanks to all the fans that came out to watch and even ride! :dblthumb:
Yes. The last 3 lps felt like a go cart ride.....looking forward to the august race. I will b there whu pow
224racin said:
Yes. The last 3 lps felt like a go cart ride.....looking forward to the august race. I will b there whu pow

Well then dude it matched the way it always looks! :****: :flipoff1: