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GR - Hardline Forum Ride - February 27, 2015 - March 1, 2015 SOLD OUT


infamous1 said:
The dang messican one legged kick fighting match at the river had me rolling!! I volunteered my co dog to fight lol he could hardly walk his legs were so sore the next day!! And then having to winch superzuki out of that puddle!!

Your co dog was stomping some tail too! Hahaha
Y'all talking about me? Lol, when I got high centered on those rocks? It must have been bad, because most the time I can get out and rock it and it will go rite along! But I Remember y'all rocking that bitch so hard, it about give me whiplash! Thanks for the effort anyway, I think Haley " won't work" pulled me back. Fun times!
Re: Re: GR - Hardline Forum Ride - February 27, 2015 - March 1, 2015 SOLD OUT

zukimaster said:
Y'all talking about me? Lol, when I got high centered on those rocks? It must have been bad, because most the time I can get out and rock it and it will go rite along! But I Remember y'all rocking that bitch so hard, it about give me whiplash! Thanks for the effort anyway, I think Haley " won't work" pulled me back. Fun times!
Yeah, those were some big ole rocks, at least two of us were on the sliders rocking that thing like crazy!! After you got out there were actually three rocks one before one aft and one right up the middle, and they all 3 had your number lol!!
Got two shirts I am holding for ransome!!

Sent using left thumb.
bjeep said:
John did everyone behave enough that tony will let you have another ride?
If so when is it? :cougar:

Tony said we can have another. But, it will be a while before I tackle something like that again. It was really a pain in the ass.
Let mine hit the auction John,,,I didn,t make the ride so I didn,t go there, didn,t done that, and can,t claim the t-shirt.
ScottsPics said:
Let mine hit the auction John,,,I didn,t make the ride so I didn,t go there, didn,t done that, and can,t claim the t-shirt.

There were a few guys there that asked if I had any extras made...can't remember names though.
Yeah he was filming as we came up Bents and Dents on Saturday afternoon too...haven't seen any of that footage either. Cliff (Infamous1) beat on his rig for a few minutes on the last climb out of there...probably left 10lbs of sticky SX laying on the rock afterwards :woot: