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GR - King Of Cable Hill Competition - November 13 & 14, 2010

747 said:
hahaha i knew u would have rocked a bag phone back in ur day!!! im sure u had the fastest car to go with it.... :driving: but the car never went fast...... :****:

1991 Mustang GT... It did go fast and I drove it fast back then. I guess the older I have gotten my balls have shrunk in size. I think too much about what can go wrong I guess. Happens when you get responsibility!! When you grow up you will know what I am talking about Supercross booyang
Cole said:
I personally think the turnout is going to be low. I know Cameron, B.Cole, Matlock and the Tanners are not coming. I did hear that a few of the Aetna guys were coming so hopefully they will put on a show like normal.
I hope I am wrong and it's a good turn out.
Ats rite , we are going to summertown saturday instead of grayrock. we can pay $15 to get in , ride all day and not have to qualify. :****:
Cole said:
I personally think the turnout is going to be low. I know Cameron, B.Cole, Matlock and the Tanners are not coming. I did hear that a few of the Aetna guys were coming so hopefully they will put on a show like normal.
I hope I am wrong and it's a good turn out.
That is the word I got. But everybody I talked to today says they talked to so and so and they said they were all in. I talked to Timmy and Bobby last night and they both said they r riden summertown. So unless something changes I wouldn't look for that group to make it. Lambert's group is supposed to come, but he's gonna let me know by Thursday. I've decided to ride and just go enjoy the day. I know the issues with this race has self destructed it. I hate that for GR being my home park, but we don't make the rules. I'm just glad it's gonna b cheap. If I can talk Tanner's into coming I will, but it pretty much ain't happenen.
Hotrod said:
That is the word I got. But everybody I talked to today says they talked to so and so and they said they were all in. I talked to Timmy and Bobby last night and they both said they r riden summertown. So unless something changes I wouldn't look for that group to make it. Lambert's group is supposed to come, but he's gonna let me know by Thursday. I've decided to ride and just go enjoy the day. I know the issues with this race has self destructed it. I hate that for GR being my home park, but we don't make the rules. I'm just glad it's gonna b cheap. If I can talk Tanner's into coming I will, but it pretty much ain't happenen.

last time they had only a handful of competitors with a $25 entry, i plan on coming either way, competing or not , i was looking forward to the hot lap qualifying myself molaugh
I got a bag phone for free from the dealershop when I bought a Camero. Let's just say it was a LONG time ago. I also have an invoice where I got my first hand held Motorola brick phone. I was the ****. Phone was $2,600. Plan was $35.00 a month and 35 cents a minute.

What were we talking about? :flipper:
im gonna try to make it if i can get buggy back together from this past weekend. wes and jason kean are coming from what they told me. not sure who else.
haha dont say everyone cuz im not thats 4sure!! i hope they come thats more money in the pot!!! booyang
wes says he's going to compete. anything for money!! money out weighs the pain when they make meds. :****:
I wish i could make it but i got a smoked tranny and a broke steering knuckle. AINT HAPPENING... 310 miles one way dont help either. F...ED AGAIN. I plan on coming back next year though at some point. AINT SKEERED.
whats a race with out the Aetna boys, Cameron and all the cole works boys. Win r lose makes no different to me. when i race i want to race against the best whether it 4 money r bragging rights doesn't matter if i got to qualify r not. i look at it this way if I'm not good enough to qualify then i obviously i not good enough to race. im comingup and going to try my best to make tha qualifying r not if i dont make it so what the park opening to ride an have agood time. i ike to see all the big names in everyone wants to run 4 money now here a big race 4 money and the big guns r talking about not showing up.
Kel will be there Filming for the "RockRods" DVD. Come awn guys come put on a show for the camera and win some money. Unless yer all scared....... :fish: :eat: :popcorn: