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grooven 44 tsls

Im digging how my SX's came stock with the grooves in the center lugs. I may when they get worn down alot further cut a lug out since they are started and it wouldnt take much effort.

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P said:
Im digging how my SX's came stock with the grooves in the center lugs. I may when they get worn down alot further cut a lug out since they are started and it wouldnt take much effort.

i think they come like that because they are the stiffest tires ever made
I grooved & siped my last set of TSL,s like this and it made a HUGE difference in traction in ALL conditions,

BUT........my ZUKI is a LIGHT WEIGHT , LOW GEARED ,LOW HORSEPOWER machine so I could NOT get a PADDLE TIRE to work for me.......... AT ALL...........


I really need to get the set I,m running now cut up like this...... :****:
Cole said:
I am curious how you got a sawzall blade in there to cut them like that. I tried a sawzall blade and a little air saw I had and couldn't get them to fit and make a proper cut. If you have any pics I would like to see. Anything to make it easier than using a groover.

I cut my treps with a sawzall and it worked awesome and didn't take long.

Made the vertical cut into the lug first, then come from the lug void with the horizontal cut. You have to use a long flexible blade. You will leave a small portion of the lug, but that is where the big tire grinding disc comes in. I will try to get some pics later if I have time, as I am doing another set soon.
Cole said:
Apparently you have never been around any of the Aetna boys because all of there tires are cut like that and even Camerons tires are cut like that on his new buggy. Thats where I got the idea from.
His are cut deeper than mine.
Get to the top of the HILL ! Damn straight grow a sack holla
I would have a tuff time deciding which cut to make. I think I like the Tenn cut the best because of side ways sliding bite. This how how I grooved my I-Rocs to get a better feel for grooving. They came out very flexible and helped big time. Stuff I was hammering it on before will now crawl.


Yeah Steve, I have to keep a clean shop or it would drive me nuts. Paul let me know if you need help grooving them tires. I don't mind cutting them for ya. It took me about three hours to do all of mine. I turned the TV on in the shop and went to work while watch a rock crawling DVD.