Well-Known Member
Can we run bolted tires? Just in case it rains,lol. I may have to get the ole chaindrive fixed back up and hurt some feelings :****:. Chad
RKEY said:there r buggy hills and there r bouncer hills. the question I have is how can u find a hill that's is fair for both to race against each other.
Campground Man said:Btw, I seen where Rush added a Buggies vs. Bouncer's shoot out to their next race - seems like they trying to steal my ideas before I can even get started. Even used the same title as my flyer...smh.
BustedKnucklefilms said:It has been in the works for months. Its not the first time buggies and bouncers have competed and won't be the last.
tbacon38 said:Sign me up, I will be bringing a few hill killers with me too. Going to be a good time.
This man just made your eventtbacon38 said:Sign me up, I will be bringing a few hill killers with me too. Going to be a good time.
karatejosh said:This man just made your event
karatejosh said:I just wish your place was not so far away from from the everets side I love your place but the ride is just to far for most of my short trips