patooyee said:You're right. Rokcrler's links is embedded in Tapatalk but not PC. So it really doesn't help troubleshoot since my problem is on the PC.
For instance, I embedded this link on the PC, and I can tell it's embedded, but it doesn't play and just shows up as a black vertical bar.
30rh band adjustment lash
Whereas I can tell rckcrler's link just isn't embedded in the first place.
If it's not happening for ya'll it's something on my computer that affects everything because its happening in IE as well.
Yep, veritcal bar is all I see there, as well. On Internet Explorer on my work pc. Youtube is blocked in our content filter, but the vids usually embed and look normal, they just don't play when I click them..but the one you just posted is certainly a vertical black bar on my end.
Tony Bolton likes vertical black bars...... :****: