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Right, not bastardized race team, but bastardized logo (not club logo). Sorry, hope this clarifies my intention.
Bob I think the issue was with me changing the logo from Crawlers to Motorsports without first talking to the club about it. The name change is obvious as Ultra4 Racing is not so much about crawling. I didn't ask because I didn't think it was a big deal, obviously I was wrong. It obviously made the rest of the members upset, so much so that they voted I not use the logo.

At this point I have bigger things to worry about for the race than logo and team name. We are doing a motor swap, moving radiator and upgrading shocks. Jimmy at EOR has helped me out for 2 years and we are forming a multi-car team for KOH and the Ultra4 Series next year. We will be modifying the EOR logo for use on our team shirts and the car. I personally think Hardline is missing out on a great opportunity for free press, but it is at their request. I do appreciate Bob's unbiased opinion as a new comer to the club, but I consider this topic to be dead. They only items we produced with this Hardline Motorsports logo were stickers and we will just toss them.
Thanks for the input on this topic. Everywhere you go anymore somebody will have their own version of what they heard. So many times what they thought they heard is no where close. I like to know about sides of every story in case it is ever brought up in a crowd I know the facts to get it cut off quickly. Bad news travels much faster than good. I simply see these issues as growing pains that everybody must face at some point.

Good luck with the racing venture Matt.