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Hardline @ Monteagle, TN, September 12th-14th

will there be any night rideing if so i need to wire up some lights
tonka toy said:
will there be any night rideing if so i need to wire up some lights

We talked about it but personally I don't think it's a good idea. Bad things happen on night-rides. laughing1
Anybody got a decent camera I can use for the weekend? I have to send mine in for work so it's ready for Jellico and won't have one.

EDIT: dumb question. MattO, think Jen would let me borrow her's? Pretty pleeeeaaase?
With the wife going I will say that night rides will not happen for me, unless I am solo. Night riding in Harlan was fun as hell, but I don't know Monteagle cause I have never been.

RB, I will ask Jen. I think she was going to take pics of the sceneray and Sierra of course, but I am sure she will be happy to let you photograph the wheelin! Should be no problem
I got flat tires.. laughing1

Im stoked, I guess Ill bring mine to work tommorow and leave from here fug it. Joe, Ill holla at you tommorow and we will work that convoy

Rubber ducky rubber ducky, ten fooooooo pepper.gif
We are leaving at 3:30 or 4, maybe we can meet up if others are leaving then. I hope to get there when it is still light because the drive is very nice scenery. Remember when we went to WE Rock P, we go the same way, nice mountains and lakes.
Yea, I know the route it is nice up there..

here ya go some youtube motivational :afro:
Just got this PM from Jimmy... is this the exit the days inn is on ?

"Exit 127 turn to the left and meet us at the gas station at 8: 00 saturday morning

sound like a plan "
I sent him a pm to see what the situation is... These exit #'s and stuff mean highway to my pea brain so Im just tryin to figure out if we need to tow to this exit and if so is there parking or what we need to do.

Ill report back once I get word from him on the situation.
Leave em on the trailer Friday night fellas...

" Yeah I guess some details would help leave everything on the trailer we will park at the trailhead. Not really any street driving on sat.
It is still a min from that exit to the trail but its the easiest place to meet without telling you to take the switchback road round the haller past Manard's place then up the hill and grab me some shine then again you all are from Bama "
Ricky, you need to go. Joe has a back seat and with all the TN guys there will be a seat for you. Don't bail man you have been wanting to go on this one. I can take you to and from Monteagle and I know we can find you a seat. There are probably 10 other rigs going...
Ricky, Jimmy has a seat for you and you can ride up with jenn and I if needed. You are going stop trying to puss out! :flipoff1: Holla at me...