Iron gap is awesome it is where I first learned to wheel with my Dad. I spent a ton of time up there, our family owned a farm at the Estillfork side for a long time. Only bad part is most of the obstacles are on private land and the owners aren't real keen on traffic during hunting season. Bow season is just opening up and then gun season will be in full swing, so I would definitely avoid that area until spring. Just my opinion, but I'll be out simply out of respect for the landowners and hunters.
I will have to say though, there have been some organized rides happening up there lately. I believe most folks parking at the community center and dropping down to Bull Run from the Iron Gap side. So, someone may have bought more land, or gotten permission to hold these rides? I'm not sure. I just know that it has always been a touchy subject around everyone I know that has ties to the place. It is a special place for sure and I would love for someone to be able to grant us all access to be able to ride without worrying about anything!