I need to know today, so please post up!
Dan is printing me some race numbers and he wanted to know if we need any more stickers? I am out and would really like a large one for my roof, but we have to order in bulk to make it worh it. I think the last run was like 50 stickers or so, which is about 5 per member. $5/person. If anybody wants a big roof/hood sticker let me know as those were $25 I think. He is printing tonight so please let me know.
Dan is printing me some race numbers and he wanted to know if we need any more stickers? I am out and would really like a large one for my roof, but we have to order in bulk to make it worh it. I think the last run was like 50 stickers or so, which is about 5 per member. $5/person. If anybody wants a big roof/hood sticker let me know as those were $25 I think. He is printing tonight so please let me know.