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Harlan 8-1 weekend

damn GOOD FUN!! glad to meet all of you "bama folks"... already looking forward to the next time.

Paul, nice to catch up with you and your dad at the bottom of little Jagger ALL DAY.
MattO, thanks for the ride up Cream Puff... you made it look EASY.

The buggy's still on the trailer, gonna pull the ARB tonight, and take a look at the LT1 (think I broke another valve spring)
biggy said:
damn GOOD FUN!! glad to meet all of you "bama folks"... already looking forward to the next time.

Paul, nice to catch up with you and your dad at the bottom of little Jagger ALL DAY.
MattO, thanks for the ride up Cream Puff... you made it look EASY.

The buggy's still on the trailer, gonna pull the ARB tonight, and take a look at the LT1 (think I broke another valve spring)

laughing1 laughing1 laughing1 Ill be sure to let "my dad" know you said that !!!
( Thats James Dollar he's a member of our club and by no means responsible enough to be any ones father :flipoff1: )

It was good to meet you and your wife too, good times man . No worries Im putting the belly skid on so I dont get hung on the jungle gym every time theres a flat spot in the trail anymore thumb.gif
P said:
laughing1 laughing1 laughing1 Ill be sure to let "my dad" know you said that !!!
( Thats James Dollar he's a member of our club and by no means responsible enough to be any ones father :flipoff1: )

It was good to meet you and your wife too, good times man . No worries Im putting the belly skid on so I dont get hung on the jungle gym every time theres a flat spot in the trail anymore thumb.gif

laughing1 hell man, I didn't know... he could have been.:dunno:
WIFE? :eek: that IS funny! MattO mentioned that on the Sat. night run too, I just figured he was giving me a hard time...
86rocktoy said:
Nice Vids...Greg do you have any pics of what the cage looks like after the roll on Little Jagger

Cage is fine, the front portion of his chassis bent downard a touch, which caused hairline cracks on the back of both of his shock hoops. The real damage occurred at the radiator, the tube the radiator mounted to caved in which led to the radiator damange. The glass hood is fawked and in the process the driver's side upper link tore from the housing and took a big chunk of the cast housing with it. He hit VERY hard directly on the front portion of the hood/chassis.
Ill add very hard under full throttle still laughing1 Pretty much drove the front of the chassis into the rocks he landed on WOT dammit ! :eek:
That's a bummer. I hope the repair isn't too bad, I know how much it sucks to be without a rig for a while.
Matt O. said:
Should of backed out of it and hit it hareder. I was all over the line. Next time :flipoff1:

Not a huge fan of driving while on the side and so forth because it seems to tear more **** up, but that looks fine. Felt worse in the seat. I tell Norton, I don't want to back up he yells, he said, "I don't want to back up!". Funny as ****!

Yeah, everybody blamed me for not wanting you to back out of it. I was merely a messenger. It did feel alot worse in the seat than it looked from the video. Way worse from the passenger seat. Btw, I rarely ever ride with anyone.........And you tried to kill me!
86rocktoy said:
Nice Vids...Greg do you have any pics of what the cage looks like after the roll on Little Jagger

It's half apart now, have to cut the whole front of the chassis off and redo it. Gonna replace some other dented/rockrashed tube and repowdercoat while we're at it.
Matt O. said:
Got any of the vids from the technical trails like Mason's Jar or the Den?

Yeah but that **** is boring :flipoff1:
I will try and get some of those uploaded later.
P said:
Please tell me you went with the intro I suggested ! laughing1

Nope, I can't bring myself to put it on there. I feel bad and don't want people taking it the wrong way.
Cole said:
Nope, I can't bring myself to put it on there. I feel bad and don't want people taking it the wrong way.


I'm real curious what you guys are talking about. laughing1

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