Alright folks I done made a "picture" map that shows the CORRECT route of TRAIL 5 with my own color codes ;D
MY colors on the map are YELLOW,,,RED,,,PINK,,,,&PURPLE,,,,,
The trail starts out clear enough as you leave the main road and wheel right under the last landin station for the zip line system and head up into the woods.
But when you get a little ways up in the hollow little trails "not on the park map" start shootin off left & right,,,but I stay on what looked to me as the most well traveled MAIN trail
NOPE,,,,,we should have took the FIRST hard left hand turn" MY YELLOW ARROW",,but instead I went on UP and UP and UP all the while thinkin TRAIL 5 was a COOL STEEP FUNASS CLIMB,,,,,
we are now on "my' trail the PURPLE trail ;D ,,,,,,,we get to the PINK CIRCLE and try & figure out were in hell "TRAIL 5" is damn goin

,,,, can,t go right cause that leads out to the "SQUIRRL CLIFF" I referred to earlier in the thread,,,
so we all decide to go left "gotta be the way "TRAIL 5" means for us to go anyway??",,,,,,,NOPE,,,,I,m in the lead and bout 7 hollers over on this FOURWHEELER trail it becomes to NARROW for even my zuk to fit on
And on my right side is a WALL,,,,and on my left side is a CLIFF

,,,wich at this point we all have to either BACK ALL THE WAY OUT OF,,,,,or TURN AROUND

,,,,,so we all back up/turn around,,,,took my zuk bout 15 turns to get back goin the other way
ANYWAY,,,,we all WENT BACK DOWN,,,,so heres the map I drawed up for everbody,,,,,
THIS is the spot we were parked at that is the little pink circle I drawed on the map and decided to go into the FOURWHEELER trail,,,,,
the CLIFF you see on the other side of Drews CJ is the one we were on following the FOURWHEELER trail
OH,,,,,and at some point during that EPISODE Biscuit ended up with a TREE pokin in thru the ceilin of his damn YJ :****: ,,,,"cause the FOURWHEELER trail" had all kinda trees ACROSS it as well