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Hate some MRI....


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2008
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Athens, AL
A few of you know I have 2 bulging disc in my neck. I have been getting epidurals for some time now. They just don't cut it anymore and the weekend before Mexico I could barely turn my neck. It comes and goes.... I feel like kicking my self in the nuts and saying deal with it.... :****: But it will bring a grown man down... My right arm goes numb a lot more now so I am going through with the surgery.
So today I had to have yet another MRI . I hate those things... I don't get claustrophobic but after 15-20 min. of laying in a bad position and hearing the gawd awful noise I am ready to get out. So has anyone here had minor neck surgery and have their disc trimmed some? If so how long was you out? I am thinking 8 weeks, but will not know until I talk to my surgeon.
i had lower back sugery where they trimmed the disc (close to 4 years ago now)
i was up walking in 2 days by myself and only off work for 4 weeks
I have L2 - 4 bulging and go through pretty much the same **** with bad headaches and numbness in my right arm, but I'm avoiding that damned surgery as long as possible.
I have sucked it up for the last 4 years. I am worried about nerve damage now. I plan on doing this a month or 2 before Christmas.
if one ruptures, it can go bad quickly. My wife is still ****ed up from a 4 I believe rupturing. left arm still isn't near 100 % and she has headaches all the time. They removed it and put a cadaver bone and some SS plates in there with screws. Now her headaches are worse so she's going back for more MRI's next week.

I don't know how the hell my neck isn't hurt being folded in half many times by wrecking my quad and it hunting me down after 4th adn 5th gear jumps ??? milk drinker maybe?
I hear you, I love some milk. Knocking on wood I haven't never broke a bone. But my dad and uncles all had bad neck and back problems. I will let you guys know if I need anything.... I know I will be sick of the house by the time they let me go back to work.
Man when you get that buggy done,we might just have to put you a HANS device in it FO SHO !

Good luck with it man... & GET BACK TO :driving: :driving: :driving: :drinkers:
Josh, go to Kirkland Clinic here in B'ham and see Dr. Hadley. I had necks surgery back in 97' and he did it. Best damn man in the business, he did my surgery from the front collar line and removed and replaced 3 disc's using bone from my hip, and steel plated them back together like a CD changer. I was in surgery from 6a.m. till 9:30 and walked out of the hospital at 4:30. Should have left earlier, but i was still puking from the anesthesia. :puke: Recovery time was less than a week, the only thing that was sore was my esophogus from when they pull it out of the way to get to the spinal area. BEST THING I HAVE DONE. Unfortunately I am now going to have to have lower back surgery due to other issues. I find out today from a second opinion doctor. SUX :(

call me for more information.
My options are open on doctors. I will see if she can get me a referral down there as well. I am going to see Dr. Hash at sportsmed he has a ton of accreditation. There is another one at the TOC Clinic up here as well Dr. Sammons . I am talking to a few doctors to see what they say first.
caglezxj said:
My options are open on doctors. I will see if she can get me a referral down there as well. I am going to see Dr. Hash at sportsmed he has a ton of accreditation. There is another one at the TOC Clinic up here as well Dr. Sammons . I am talking to a few doctors to see what they say first.

I have a second opinion appointment today with a back and spinal specialist at 3:00. This is with Dr. Jones at Brookwood hospital. I originally went to Dr. Lemack's and saw Dr. Agee. They sent me for the MRI and reviewed them and set up the 2nd appt. with Dr. Jones. I have now had 9-10 MRI's and am a real pro. No more closed MRI capsules for me, open air's are the only way to go. Let me know if you need assistance finding them. thumb.gif
Dr. Jones is the man. I have never had to have surgery but I have seen him several times and he has done me great. He has done several surgery's on my boss (last one was neck through the front) which has major back problems and he will not think about going to another doctor..
got my MRI results a few minutes ago. C5 and C6 has a bulging disc for sure, which I knew this. I am going to see Dr. Hash at Sports Med on July 15th . I will get a 2nd opinion if he thinks I need the surgery. Thanks for all the input , I am kinda scared of the surgery but ready for this pain to be gone...
Jeep CJ said:
Dr. Jones is the man. I have never had to have surgery but I have seen him several times and he has done me great. He has done several surgery's on my boss (last one was neck through the front) which has major back problems and he will not think about going to another doctor..

That is good to hear. Like to know I will come out walking in the end. Heard too many horror stories about people in worse shape after the surgery then before. Want to be able to rock bounce again soon. :dblthumb:
Dr. Hadley @ UAB is the only guy that will work on my neck. He's the best in the business and world renowned for his work.
Cubby said:
Dr. Hadley @ UAB is the only guy that will work on my neck. He's the best in the business and world renowned for his work.

Amen Brutha, he got it right on mine.

Dodged a bullet yesterday with Dr. Jones. Great guy, told me my junk was ruined, but thought major surgery would not help my situation. Told me this is how he makes his living but said surgery would not help me in the end. He is sending me to have the big needle stuck in my back instead. Good for me, no cutting on my fatass. Going to live to rock another day. :woot: :woot: :driving: :woot: :woot:
Thank goodness I do not know about this first hand, but one my good friends had back surgery and swore by a nero surgeon! Said he met with two different orthopedic doctors who specialize in back surgery before he was refereed to a nero surgeon. Said the nero surgeon was the ticket and by far the only person he would ever let work on his spine! Good luck to both of yall!

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