hmmmm, that IS interesting. Given all the other stuff he has done, it wouldnt surprise me if he swapped in a different motor or maybe did a head swap.
The International 2003 Engine Quick Reference Guide says to use 1830669C92 for engine serial number 375548 and below. And to use 1807329C92 for engine serial number 375549 and above. Now, its my understanding that the only difference is the color of the connector material. Silver/tin on early trucks, and gold on later trucks. They also changed the shape so you can get a wrench on it easier. (edit: hmmm, the interwebs say that early trucks use course thread, and everyone else uses fine thread. I didnt know that!).
The best way to tell would be to crawl under the truck, and there is a machined flat spot on the block near the oil filter. The serial number of a 7.3L Powerstroke engine is located on the rear oil cooler pad (driver's side rear of engine, the "pad" is where the oil filter assembly mounts to the engine block). The first 2 digits of the serial number are "7.3", followed by a 4 digit manufacturing designator, and then a 6 or 7 digit build number.
1994.5 - 0058559 - Cast iron water pump right inlet
1995 - 0192398 - High pressue pump with edge filter and drain check valve
1995.5 - 0216543 - High pressure pump, new piston design, front cover and resevoir
1996.5 - 0375549 - New front cover, oil pan, piston kits and gold contact sensors
1996.5 - 0400797 - Updated camshaft timing
1997 - 0460195 - Split-shot injectors, new ECMs - 250HP
1997.5 634234 - CEC (Consolidated Engine Controller)
I would also count the number of bolts holding the intake plenums on. Its possible he only changed the heads. If your engine serial number says 1996 or 1997, but your intake plenums only have 8 bolts, then its a head swap. Only the early motors had 8 bolt plenums, the rest have 10 bolt plenums.