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Hawaii after KOH....

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If its free, its P
May 16, 2007
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Your Mom's House
Got the official email just now, looks like Im of to Honolulu from the 9th through the 14th. I've never been , Im not a touristy type so I dont know what the hell Im going to do there... I would like to purchase a surf board I have always wanted to learn to surf since I was a little kid stuck in Kansas. laughing1

fuggin flat-landers. I hate long flights... :puke:
Yo P, I have been 3x and can't wait to go back. Honolulu there's plenty to do but my favorite island is Maui(spent the most time there) it's quite a bit more laid back for the tourists...

Last time I was in Waikiki I got "thug life" henna tatt'd on my knuckles out there--I'm glad it wore off lol... There's also tons of hookers in Waikiki so we deemed it wai kinky...
I went a few years ago. I visited Honolulu, Maui, Kauai, Oahu, and the Big Island. My favorite was Kauai, very laid back and a beautiful island. Getting around to the islands is pretty easy.
We were there New Years 2007 spent most of the week in Kauai. want to go back soon. it is very beatiful. Spent 1 day in Honalulu & most of that at the Pearl Harbor Memorial. Could have spent more time there. Very thought provoking place.
I have always wanted to go but I don't know if I can handle that long of a flight. I'm miserable just flying to Vegas.
87yjtoy said:
We were there New Years 2007 spent most of the week in Kauai. want to go back soon. it is very beatiful. Spent 1 day in Honalulu & most of that at the Pearl Harbor Memorial. Could have spent more time there. Very thought provoking place.

Definately want to go to Pearl Harbor. Im going to be in Honolulu the entire time... I am there for work you know ! :flipoff1:
P said:
I've never been , Im not a touristy type so I dont know what the hell Im going to do there...

You golf?

I'd LOVE to play there!! drool
P said:
Definately want to go to Pearl Harbor. Im going to be in Honolulu the entire time... I am there for work you know ! :flipoff1:
Very somber feeling while you are there. That was the number one thing I wanted to do while I was there. To see diesel fuel in the water is pretty amazing after all this time.
You must see Pearl Harbor. Almost teared up walking around and watching that video they showed. One thing though, I really couldnt believe all the Japanese tourist that were there. I thought it was kinda weird. :dunno:
I lived there from 1989-1992 when I was in the Marines, I really started to hate it after awhile. You can only do so much there, as far as just going to hang for awhile I guess it would be ok. Go to the North shore, Dec, Jan,Feb and some of March is the big wave season. Pearl Harbor is very cool, the night life is great, most clubs are opened until O'dark thirty. Sandy beach is another good beach to check out and one of the blow holes is close by also. To see some of the old Hawaii go to the north and west side of the island. Have a good trip thumb.gif
Got married on Waikiki beach. Went and stayed on the Navy base with the brother in law. I dint care for it for the most part. Might have been cause we stayed on base and didnt get to do the tourist stuff as much. We did go see Peral Harbor. Some really neat stuff there. If you want to take the full tour you will be there for awhile. We also hiked up to the big lookout. Diamond head. That place is cool. Wish we would have stayed at the motel on Waikiki insted of on base. But we had a condo on the beach there also so it was all good. Good trip but in no hurry to go back.

P probably won't be doing much sight seeing.... :dunno:

They will be working his butt off while he is out there, I would bet on it! His company phone goes off constantly from them!
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
You must see Pearl Harbor. Almost teared up walking around and watching that video they showed. One thing though, I really couldnt believe all the Japanese tourist that were there. I thought it was kinda weird. :dunno:

Agreed. Gotta see Pearl Harbor.

North Shore is awesome also.
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
You must see Pearl Harbor. Almost teared up walking around and watching that video they showed. One thing though, I really couldnt believe all the Japanese tourist that were there. I thought it was kinda weird. :dunno:


Me and the Wife got married on Maui in '06. Spent 5 days on Maui, then spent 2 days in Honolulu. Pearl Harbor was very moving.
One tip on Pearl Harbor, get there when they open in the morning, the lines to take the boat to the memorable form quickly and it is a must see.
P said:
fuggin flat-landers. I hate long flights... :puke:

The Flight SUCKS!!!!!! :****:

I recommend a Ipod with some movies and TV shows on it, or a PSP.

When me and the wife flew out there, I think we flew from Nashville to Chicago, then from there to Maui. The flight to Maui sucked a BIG ONE. WAY TO LONG ON A PLANE!!!
How long is the flight there. :woot: When me and Jrich went to Germany it was like fawkin forever. :****: We were chasing the sun so, It was daylight for like 20hrs and sucked :puke:
PUH LEEEEZE ****ers. that flight isn't bad. it was a welcome stopover from Australia after the 18 hours in the air, 14 nonstop on the way down. the jaunt home from Hawaii was a short one :flipgotcha: :flipoff1:
I was mixed on pearl harbor. There were so many Jap tourists there I felt like they were talking about it from the other side the whole time, chattering on. Im not really a racist or biggoted person per se, but that pissed me off to no end. I bet I was outnumbered 1.5:1 with Japs while there. It hurt the experience for me. You still have to see it.
Rob is right, lots of street walkers on Waikiki. A huge half philipino dude I was playing football with and I were walking down the beach when this SE asian type 100 lb thing walks up and offers to take us both on for $100. she was hot too, not all Vienamish, kind of farther south and east than that, darker, not yellow, maybe phillipino. nice. He looks at me ready to go and I look at him like **** no dude, wrong quantities of holes and poles. it was pretty funny.