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Hawk Pride Ride February 23-25

Re: Re: Hawk Pride Ride February 23-25

TacomaJD said:
I actually met TK (og hardline member) at a Gray Rock ride and he told me to shoot JohnG a message about getting in. I had rode with JohnG a bunch and continued to do so until I sold out, so it was discussed with the Hardline og's and John let me in. Easyline has a private board, as does Hardline that Easyline cannot see. Easyline is pretty much a close friend group of the OG's. JohnG once said everybody in Easyline are folks he would have over for dinner at his house. There isn't a whole lot of activity in Easyline, but now and then some stuff pops up. I know it may seem like some sacred place, but it's really nothing major anyone is missing out on.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I figured you just googled it. loller.gif :popcorn:
This is a softer gentler ride! In other words please leave all drama at the gate if you want to come, there has been so much drama on this cite as of late its ridiculous.... if you want to talk on this post it needs to be about what beer your drinking, food your cooking, trails you wanna hit or don't, the **** you hope not to break, or rig stuff your doing before. Please don't be a hermit with your "clan". Get to know people you don't know. Some of us act like high school clicks when your at a park ... End the Drama.. End of Story
Molly Hatchet said:
This is a softer gentler ride! In other words please leave all drama at the gate if you want to come, there has been so much drama on this cite as of late its ridiculous.... if you want to talk on this post it needs to be about what beer your drinking, food your cooking, trails you wanna hit or don't, the **** you hope not to break, or rig stuff your doing before. Please don't be a hermit with your "clan". Get to know people you don't know. Some of us act like high school clicks when your at a park ... End the Drama.. End of Story
Its spelt klan.
Ill be killing natural lights and my buggy.
Molly Hatchet said:
This is a softer gentler ride! In other words please leave all drama at the gate if you want to come, there has been so much drama on this cite as of late its ridiculous.... if you want to talk on this post it needs to be about what beer your drinking, food your cooking, trails you wanna hit or don't, the **** you hope not to break, or rig stuff your doing before. Please don't be a hermit with your "clan". Get to know people you don't know. Some of us act like high school clicks when your at a park ... End the Drama.. End of Story

BUG-E J said:
Its spelt klan.
Ill be killing natural lights and my buggy.

No buggy and no beer for me. I do like food.
Re: Re: Hawk Pride Ride February 23-25

Molly Hatchet said:
This is a softer gentler ride! In other words please leave all drama at the gate if you want to come, there has been so much drama on this cite as of late its ridiculous.... if you want to talk on this post it needs to be about what beer your drinking, food your cooking, trails you wanna hit or don't, the **** you hope not to break, or rig stuff your doing before. Please don't be a hermit with your "clan". Get to know people you don't know. Some of us act like high school clicks when your at a park ... End the Drama.. End of Story
I'm just glad you mentioned food and beer, that's really all I'm good for anymore. Lol

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
lol! Natty Natty Natty. When you run out you can dig in KK's cooler he's in White J, He loves Natty's! or he might dig in yours! I like me some natty.. Everybody bring firewood if you can! Lots of it!

BUG-E J said:
Its spelt klan.
Ill be killing natural lights and my buggy.
you got diet Dew's and the rental A.K.A Molly.. That top secret stuff is in the shop and will get finished!

bjeep said:
No buggy and no beer for me. I do like food.
xjcrawler said:
This ride was posted 3 weeks ago and has been viewed over a 1000 times and actually made to page 2 before someone not wanting to be an ass but proceeded to in my opinion. My verbiage was worded as we had a ride at HPO 2 years ago on this date and I was wondering if anyone wanted to do it again. I believe JohnG did it and there was no band or months of organizing just lets ride here on this date. Maybe this place needs to be changed to the REGINA GEORGE AND HER RIDERS FORUM!!!!

If you don't like the way this board is ran, now you will have plenty of time to look for another one. VACATION TIME xjcrawler BILL MCHUGH OF FLOWERY BRANCH GEORGIA and any of your other 3 screen names as well. :flipper: NEXT...

3 screen names? Am i reading that right? Wtf? Thats some weirdo **** right there :****:
BUG-E J said:
3 screen names? Am i reading that right? Wtf? Thats some weirdo **** right there :****:

I don't think he's the only one that does that :****: in my opinion anyone that has more than 1 screen name can :gtfo: :ban:
Thanks Greg. I've been too busy to keep up with the kindergarten you're running here. The forum seems to be moving in a direction determined by a few loudmouths. To prove they're right they just YELL LOUDER! I personally am tired of it. I don't know any of the problem causing dickheads so I have no problem removing them. I think everyone here should be on notice that their membership will be terminated for any reason. Please don't give us a reason. Alright guys, straighten up and fly right.

PS ANYBODY that questions my authority gets the hammer.
Rich said:
Thanks Greg. I've been too busy to keep up with the kindergarten you're running here. The forum seems to be moving in a direction determined by a few loudmouths. To prove their right they just YELL LOUDER! I personally am tired of it. I don't know any of the problem causing dickheads so I have no problem removing them. I think everyone here should be on notice that their membership will be terminated for any reason. Please don't give us a reason. Alright guys, straighten up and fly right.

PS ANYBODY that questions my authority gets the hammer.

I love me some Daddy Rich!
Thanks, Steve. Gregg needs our help to rid the forums of trash like this. I'm looking in now and invite anybody to pm me notifying of problems. Once identified, it will be removed. We do this until people learn how to act or until we're down to the OGs that have been paying for and running this site. I'm sure nobody has a clue as to how much time and TROUBLE Gregg puts in for this. John, being retired,had 6-10 hours daily to put in its harder for working folks. Let's help him MHLGA.
BUG-E J said:
3 screen names? Am i reading that right? Wtf? Thats some weirdo **** right there :****:

poolman said:
I don't think he's the only one that does that :****: in my opinion anyone that has more than 1 screen name can :gtfo: :ban:

Yeah, there are definitely more. Some heeded the warnings. Some did not. Some are still watching, some are even reading this. To those of you who have had multiple accounts, I say, you are also being watched. You are not as slick as you think you might be.

If you remember a few years ago, I started a thread asking folks to AT LEAST put their REAL names in their signature. That was about the beginnings of me lending John a hand at weeding out the shadows. Ironically even John missed some that random folks tipped me off to a while back. And I've helped Gregg just the same with new found users. And the majority of you would be HIGHLY PISSED if you learned of the users who are fake. So know this... the next time you are riding with folks from this forum. Ask yourself if you've ever met some of these usernames IN PERSON...
Also know this: The innernets leaves MASSIVE crumb trails everywhere you go. Just ask my buddies that ended up on the Ashley Madison lists... or the celebrities that never even uploaded their nudes from their phones, because anonymous didn't just get celebrities, they got everyone... everyone... the future is now. And if you are carrying a piece of plastic with numbers on it in your wallet... and you are not paying a massive amount of money ANNUALLY to have your personal information scrubbed off the internet... then YOU ARE ON THE INTERNET.
YOU are not putting your information on the Internet. YOU are not asking the marketing companies to cold call you daily. YOU are not filling your inbox and mailbox with spam. But YOU did apply for that credit card, qualify for that car or truck, or mortgage that house. YOU gave them your address, phone number and email address.

I'm not a badass, very far from it. But I am a very resourceful m.f'er when it comes to finding ish on this network of interconnected personal computers, smart phones, TV's and anything else that carries an Internet Protocol Address... you call it "The Internet".
Makes me think of the Snowden movie. molaugh

I hope somehwhere, someone has gotten a good laugh at some of the pictures I've taken in my younger years if they are watching.... :rolf: :rolf: