Still have the same problem... help...
Ok, i have 2 1986 4Runners. One that runs just fine and one that i am having a problem with. I have been taking parts off the running Runner and putting them on the dead one for testing pruposes.
Here are some of the parts i have swapped in hopes of getting this damn 22RE running: the AFM, the ECU, fuel pressure regulator, fuel pulse dampener, and other various vacuum/electrical crap i thought might help.
Parts i replaced new: Fuel pump, fuel filter, spark plugs, wires, dist cap, and rotor.
Most of the things i have heard are people telling me that my pump is bad or that the fuel filter is clogged. Neither of these things are the case. I was thinking the injectors are clogged but I even called LC Engineering and they said that they have never heard of all the injectors clogging up all at once. I really dont want to tear my intake apart and change injectors if they arn't the problem. Can anyone think of anything else i can check before i crack my intake in half? Also, if i do have to perform this type of surgery what gaskets, hoses, etc... should i replace while i'm in there anyways? Thanks for the input guys.