You're prolly right, I know it'll be a whole new ball game for me, and I know I'll have a lot of lessons to learn.. And whoever said I'm prolly wanting to build more of a buggy than bouncer is prolly right too.. Basically I'm wanting to build my own tube chassis, with a decent 4 linked platform underneath and roughly 400 horses to push it.. Now I've got a lot more details in mind besides that but whether that makes it a buggy or bouncer, whatever... I'm not trying to be competition by any means, just want something I can ease around with if I need, and mat it and hit something nasty when I want! From what research I've done so far, it seems that the suspension setup and geometry plays a pretty critical role in how it all performs, and I intend on doing plenty of homework before just throwing something together! There will be a build thread when the time comes, may be a while tho.. and as far as overtime goes that's no problem! Already having to work 7 days a week right now, found out today I'll even be having to work thru thanksgiving.. Yaay lol! But hey guys I appreciate your opinions and info, giving me plenty to think about!