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High speed shocks?

Jason nailed a good point and probably one of the biggest--and thats the fact you won't get what you want "out of the box" no matter what type of shock (ones with tunability and not your typical welded together shock) you go with.
Toyomud: You seem to know a bit more then I do about this stuff. I have only done a small amount of shock work on a dirt bike I had. I rebuilt the piggyback in the rear and after that tried to play with the valving but I dont think I ever got it right.
In the full range of a shock that is used for soking up woops should the valving be hard or soft in the begining, and as you move up the travel? If the car was going fast over woops the front end would hit hard first at the apex of the woop then would need to be soft enough to allow the axle to travle up and over without giving you the "pissed off donky" action. Also how should the rear be set up for this?

If anyone can help me ask this question that would be great cause I am unsure that I am using the right terms. Thanks.

Your thinking of it wrong... think how it really works. You have live front axle... You dont what a shitton of movement.. You want it to sofen the blow and bounce up..... the next sement of you thinking of "pissed off donkey" has to do more with balance and making your shock frequency work with your weigt bias and will be controlled by your tuning, and softer or more movement in the front is not going to give you results your looking for unless you want a smooth ass ride and about 12 miles per hour and to turn into "pissed off donkey" at 13.
Ok now we are getting somewhere..

I understand that there is no shock that is off the shelf that will be perfect unless you are just going to go put around in the sand or go weekend wheelin. I was more getting to the point Jason made about what brand offers the best head start to a good race shock... I am gathering that Bilstein is the leader in this race.

As for the tuning... I dont think we are miles apart on our thinking but you could be a better writer then I and also have lots more hands on experiance. Is there any kind of forumla/ratio/chart/baseline that someone could go off of to start the tuning? Is there any tech help offered by Bilstein or am I on my own?

I am thinking of getting a set of Bilstein 9100 series coilovers with RR, they are 14" and 17" travel. They also offer some factory valving now in 180/75, 275/78, 360/80, and 255/100. Should I get them with one of the factory vavling or not and do my own?
Ok now we are getting somewhere..

I understand that there is no shock that is off the shelf that will be perfect unless you are just going to go put around in the sand or go weekend wheelin. I was more getting to the point Jason made about what brand offers the best head start to a good race shock... I am gathering that Bilstein is the leader in this race.

As for the tuning... I dont think we are miles apart on our thinking but you could be a better writer then I and also have lots more hands on experiance. Is there any kind of forumla/ratio/chart/baseline that someone could go off of to start the tuning? Is there any tech help offered by Bilstein or am I on my own?

I am thinking of getting a set of Bilstein 9100 series coilovers with RR, they are 14" and 17" travel. They also offer some factory valving now in 180/75, 275/78, 360/80, and 255/100. Should I get them with one of the factory vavling or not and do my own?

What SPECIFICALLY are your plans for the car? you may be just fine with digressive pistons and off the shelf RC valving... or you may require a linnear pistion with either off the shelf or changes as needed.. or you may require Base valved resies or black hawk resies and 2.0 shocks or 2.5 regular 9100 with linear valvineg and typical base valved resies, or rear linear valved pistons with 99% of the valving eliminated smaller resies on coil carriers so the bypass can do the job and not fight the coil carrier. if you itching to buy sonmething that buy something...and valve the piss out of it to only find out it will not do the job your looking for so you have to sell at a loss re buy new (always more expenxsive) and go through all the valving changes... and think about how fast can you really go and push the shocks... are you going to be a weekend warrior.. or you thinking your going to sdo a race like Vegas to Reno.... if that is the case your not going to need much shock because your never going to push that hard with the motor you have... There are way too many variables here... you need to figure out what you want out of that car.... and if going fast is one of them the best tuned shocks in the world are not going to get you there.
Harsh but true... there are plans in place right now to have it firing on 8 before Feb. 2011. :D I want to wheel it a little before I do any major re-work like that but its on my mind and parts are already starting to show up in the shop.

Jason... read your post about 5 times now, lots of info. I need to spend some time with you it sounds like and actualy look at one of your shocks cause I am kind of a hands on guy, its a little hard for me to picture it in my head but I am getting what you are saying. I was thinking about just running coilover and not bypass shocks or the same setup you are running with the 2.5" in the front and 2" in the rear with bypass. It would be a bit cheaper to run 2.5" all the way around though and that could be the option I go with and could always upgrade with bypass later and change the valving in COs to work with them. When I take the car apart to upgrade the motor and some other thing along with shock mounts I will build it so I can bolt bypass on without redoing the shock mounts again so I will be able to if I want.

The plans for the car would be along the lines of KOH, LCQ, Starvation Ridge, SS300, and maybe V2R but not really on the list, but also wheel it on the weekends. If I was setup to do this kind of thing I may do it more. I have also asked myself "why? why not just wheel it and have fun just like all the other guys?" Something keeps pulling my back into the racing and wanting to give it all I got and really go for it.

I dont want to buy something just to buy something and have to sell it cause it was wrong... I am trying to get the right shock setup for the job. I know it is going to be expensive but it is what it is and im not worried about that.
. If I was setup to do this kind of thing I may do it more. I have also asked myself "why? why not just wheel it and have fun just like all the other guys?" Something keeps pulling my back into the racing and wanting to give it all I got and really go for it.

It really depends on what you think is fun. For some people wheeling on the weekend is fun while others like competing....Just do whatever puts a smile on your face.:masturbanana[1]::D