Rolled in late Friday night, setup for tent camping, then got introduced to several members around Camp Hardline. Thanks for being so welcoming to us strangers! Saturday morning was a fair amount of rain and Camp Hardline had a running through the middle of it.
Due to the rain there was a slight rain delay for the 4banger racing. Race was Trails 28 & 90, but getting over to the race area was interesting due to how muddy everything was. Had to 4low, 3rd gear, 3500 rpms bump it up one section in particular on Trail 1…
The racing was fun to watch. Long course with a few rollovers and some carnage too. After the racing was over, ended up calling it a day on trails since it was so nasty out. Saturday afternoon had some great weather but the trails were still nasty.
Was a great hang out trip and camping as a change of pace was nice too. Camp Hardline had some great food on Friday that we were peer pressured into eating! Saturday night Camp Hardline had some awesome food (Chicken etc, Beef Chili, Deer Chili, and Turkey Chili plus all the fixings) around the fire. Early Sunday morning AOP got hit by a big storm with some nice downpours, thunder, and lightning involved. The motorhome folks had no idea it rained during the night…must be nice.
Enjoyed getting to put faces with screennames etc. Now onto the Pictures.
CAMP SETUP FOR THE WEEKEND (Canopy over the tent collapsed at 430am Sunday with all the rain…awesome wakeup call):