I just met with Wells Fargo last night to talk about refinancing my house.
Off the top of my head I owe $116K on my current loan, been there 3 years and it's a 5 year ARM (currently 6% IIRC) so I want to refinance while the gettin is good.
Dude shows me 3 options last night.
30 year at 4.5%, drops my payment ~130/mo and I gotta pay out my ass to get that rate, refinancing for 127,500!! I paid 124 for it 3 years ago....
Interest reduction 15,800
30 year at 5.0%, drops my payment ~105/mo and I gotta pay out my ass to get that rate, refinancing for 124,000 AGAIN
Interest reduction 5,000
15 year at 4.0%, increases my payment 170/mo and I gotta pay out my ass to get that rate, refinancing for 127,500!!
Interest reduction 78,600
So I need to look into my Credit Union and see their 30, 20 and 15 years fixed rates before I jump ship. I am unsure if I will stay here 2, 5, 10, 15 more years, so that is also a catch 22 if the cost is even worth it..
ramble off.