I guess I was searching for some Toyota tech or bouncer info when there was only 5 of em and register one night in 2011, lurked around a bit and ran into a couple og's when I was at Fall for all. Which happend to be Wont work that id known my whole life as well as a few more including 86tank, benfowler, racejeep Jrich and Lay, those africans took me under their wing and helped me learn the long road of recovery from booty fab. Been tight with the group since 2012, I have ended up meeting several of the ogs from the forum and I can tell you right now at times its a rough crowd to still keep up with! If you're with any of the ogs I would say you are guaranteed to be making memories!
Exhibit A
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XlnJQvQgKok" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>