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How do diesel tuners work?

one of the tuner companies told me this when i asked them how does there tuner improve fuel economy yet add power...my thinking at the time was more power created more fuel burnt...nope..

simple answer:

the more power (hp) you create the less pedal you use, the less pedal you use the less fuel you burn.....HP = less pedal = MPG
i am not saying if you turn your tuner to HOT this would be the case but for levels 1-4 this rule seems to be true.... i keep my tuner on 3, it seems to get the best MPG of the 5
This explains a lot.

I was under the impression that the injector could only work during the intake stroke.

um.... on a gasser, yes, on a diesel.... not so much...

the injection event is what starts combustion. if you sprayed fuel in while the valve was open, it'd combust partway thru the compresion stroke causeing kick back.

diesels inject directly into the combustion chamber, not into the intake runner.
This guy is. I've been playing with my tuner.

Bottom line is last tank of fuel I was driving like an old man on level 1 and averaged 17.5 MPG hand calculated. Almost EXACTLY the same daily drive as the last tank.

The previous tank I had the tuner set at level 2 for the entire tank. I averaged 20.2MPG hand calculated.

Weather was "about the same." Drives throughout the tank were almost EXACT.

So if all the tuner does is dump more fuel in the engine to make more power, how is it that I am saving MPG at a higher level?

EDIT: Driving style was the same too. I try as best as I can to keep the boost gauge from moving. The hills where I know it is going to move, I set the cruise control at the same speed. Same load in the vehicle.

what truck/tuner? diferent ones react diferently.

from my personal experiance ive allways goten the best economy with things set on kill...
um.... on a gasser, yes, on a diesel.... not so much...

the injection event is what starts combustion. if you sprayed fuel in while the valve was open, it'd combust partway thru the compresion stroke causeing kick back.

diesels inject directly into the combustion chamber, not into the intake runner.

yea i lumped intake and compression into one stroke/one revolution of crank travel.

most all direct injection gas of oilers fire off the injectors in the compression stroke now.

and oilers use camshafts with big lift and short duration and all most no over lap compared to gassers. you can get away with the big lift because the oilers don't rev as high as gassers and the valve train doesn't need to be as light to handle the revs and valve spring pressures.
Fuel pressure will atomize the fuel better making a better burn

Just thought I would throw that in the mix
Also the tuners will change your shift points (for autos) and I thought I read my Edge program increases transmission line pressure which is suppose to help the auto transmissions live longer...

I thought I also ready on some of the fords or is it Chevy
what truck/tuner? diferent ones react diferently.

from my personal experiance ive allways goten the best economy with things set on kill...

03 Dmax. PPE tuner. Usually on level 2. Highest level is 5.

I'll try setting it on level 5 and driving like and old man.

I can't drive it too hard on level 5 though as my trans can't take it. The 5/4 downshift under power sometimes limps the tranny.

I need to suncoast my trans. :awesomework:
The only reason they did that was for emissions..

And secondary to make it quieter......
My truck stock like most super duties had split shot injectors- two injections per. The tuner I have along with replacing the injectors made it one injection per. For the same amount of fuel, if that fuel is injected at the optimum time the single event will make more power.
And secondary to make it quieter......
My truck stock like most super duties had split shot injectors- two injections per. The tuner I have along with replacing the injectors made it one injection per. For the same amount of fuel, if that fuel is injected at the optimum time the single event will make more power.

I don't follow the Fords as close, but with Dodge, that would be a tough one to call. The 12 valve p-pump and 24 valve VP44 were both single injection, and the VP44 was louder solely because of the pump. And between the 03-04.5 with 2 injections, and the 04.5+ with 3, both being run by the CP3 pump. I honestly can't tell a difference in noise level. But you most definitely can in heat and mileage.
on late model split shot injection , the initial shot is verry tiny. its purpose is to raise cyl presure and heat so that when the main shot is injected it lights faster and burns more completely. (espcaly important on trucks with lower compresion). the 3rd event ( some times up to 7 events) ocurs verry late in the power cycle to help raise egt's. the hi egt helps the dpf and cat scrub the exhaust.

now as far as a PPE tuner for chevs, they achive better economy by changing injection timing and increseing rail presure. the higher the level, the more agresivly they do it, hence the better economy. you might try checking with them to see if they have a econo tune, its usualy verry close to the same timing and presure maps as there performance tunes, but without the incresed duration( some times it has les duration)

this is prety much what most efi live guys do for econo tunes.