YOU OWE ME A KEYBOARD, Oldtimer.:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
Here ya go pokey
See us decent folk just dont know of these things :haha:
Care to describe "decent" so i can aspire to impress??:stirpot:
You play with the Shocker..........amateurs.
I give the Squawker.......two in the stink, one on the pink.
Ward, You were a little hard on the beaver last night:haha:
I'm in a group called crawlers NW and our only dues go to the Blue ribbon coalition,thats a good cause.We really have now rules except for being a jack off.
Ben there--done that.... I even got a couple t-shirts![]()
Shindig Wheelers
United 4WDA
It took me a long time to find a club I WANTED to join.
Seattlecruiserheads, no dues, no "leader", just a great bunch of guys that get together once a month"officially", wheel together and have a good ol' time.