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How will I know it's you at Gray Rock on 4/19?

i will be in the recovery area again as well...

i will most likely have a huge sock bulge in may drawers, Mt. Dew in one hand and a camera in the other....
under_psi said:
i will be in the recovery area again as well...

i will most likely have a huge **** stain in may drawers, Mt. Dew in one hand and Joel's camera in the other....

Fixed if for ya bro thumb.gif
CheapJ7 said:
Overalls w/ a Dirty Thirty Keystone Box on my Head.... :drinkers:
On the 2 way radio w/ the Bad Ass himself....

Dood you werent supposed to let the "spotting from the tower" outta the bag !! laughing1
I think I am flying in, Wednesday night or as early as I can Thursday. I can help on the buggy prep and if P has to work, Dollar can take me to the tit bar. pepper.gif
I am going up Thursday about noon. I will have the red/white RV. If possible, I am going to try and park at the well. That area was off limits last year, so may be somewhere else. I'll be assisting with recovery. We should party Friday night and get P on his game.
racers with hangover not good idea I'd get good rest :flipoff1:

friday nights are DEAD in XRRA

..then again I remember a certain high profile rock racer/crawler(whom I won't name) that was so hung over in Cortez in 06 from friday night that he placed top 30 laughing1 instead of top 3 as he had been doing laughing1... Damn it's hard to stay sober in Cortez, I love that town.
Ken will have an after party at his enclosed trailer, he always has a keg inside, then it will move to the holiday Inn Express until the cops comes and shut it down, all this will be right after the race saturday.

It looks like we are coming now, Buddy needs someone to yell at him thumb.gif
There will be after party ridiculous at my place as well.. about 15mins from the park. Fitties , Beer, Fire, Ks crowd, Miles, you know how that will go...

PAR TAAAAY Bring a camera with night capabilities is all I can tell ya. :flipoff1:
And yes, I already started stackin bon fire pit... Whos first to clear it on a fitty :popcorn:

I got that ****....

Sorry about givin away the game plan.. I was gonna be on the tower.. Cuttin deals w. the other spotters..
I just wanna tell you that your "Clear down low.." One time ;D
P said:
There will be after party ridiculous at my place as well.. about 15mins from the park. Fitties , Beer, Fire, Ks crowd, Miles, you know how that will go...

PAR TAAAAY Bring a camera with night capabilities is all I can tell ya. :flipoff1:
can I set up a tent in your yard
Hell i dont care... You can set up a tent in the spare room off the kitchen if you want laughing1
Y'all remember P's rule... ya gotta be ready to walk across the street to Church come Sunday mornin if you stay at the Beattie compound.

i'll be they big guy mising a front tooth(just a post got tired of replacing it )with a camera and if i can get up with P i got the bullet cam and pocket dvr to record some video from the inside got 2 chips to swap in and out might have a 3rd by then .