Well-Known Member
Thanks...RV spot and paid
CartoTracks said:How about 35% off? Use coupon code: HARDLINEHP16 at checkout.
Download the app "PDF-Maps" to Android or iOS device, then go here: and use that code at checkout. You'll get an e-mail with a link. COPY and PASTE into the app using the "+" icon and then "Paste from the web". Map will download to your device. DO THIS WITW GOOD SIGNAL - then, you'll be good to go without signal in the park - only need a decent view of the sky for a GPS lock.
kushKrawlin said:Don't worry. I get home sick too. Bad. Kel always starts it, after riding for a day or so and I see his lil Aubrey I wanna haul ass home to see my maniac. Although I may try to tough it out this go around.can't wait to be able to bring her, and leave wife at home. Haha. I ain't sure yet. I think I'm gonna just make it the usual solo trip. I realized riding is just easier when it's just me. Hell I have a hard enough time.
And I just wanna say anyone that hasn't been to STL, coming from Atlanta if u put it in GPS, it's takes your ass to Arab high skool! fukers!! I was listening to GPS lady and next thing I know, I'm at wat seems like the end of the world. In a high skool parking lot. Pfffffff. All I could think about was them having the drug dog there goin around the Parkin lot like they used to at my high school, and me in the Parkin lot lookin like a moron. Sheesh.
Anyways i paid last night.. I hope I did it right. after the loaf of bread and water I had 50 buks left. Wife and kid eating bread and water for next week but I got my ticket. Yeeeee haawwwww I will say the last few rides there was not many that brought their better halves. More of a sausage party, just like Kevin and Kel like it,. A lot of dirty dudes and off-road rigs.![]()