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HPO - Poker Run - June 5-7, 2015

Re: Re:

patooyee said:
Where was everyone? Like half the ppl that said they were coming didn't!
We saw your buggy at the cabin when we pulled in and then no more. I was riding with smurfy, aw10(I believe is his name), and joe eck and a few other guys. Had a blast, didn't do the poker run, just a good day of trail riding

We had a great time. Met a few hardline guys. We rode most of Fri and all Sat. Nothing broke but I do need to insulate my fuel cell more still. My gas kept getting hot and the pumps would cavitate. Everything would be fine after it cooled down. No other places I have been let me ride so far/long so it hasn't been an issue until hpo. Good testing!
I enjoyed riding with and meeting everyone. Pattooye I figured we would run into you at some point but it didn't work out like that unfortunately. Im still pretty butt hurt about not making it over that rock but that place is tits and ill definitely be back to try it again. That clay mud is some slick ****...
ROKTOY829 said:
Dang Kevin I hate I missed seeing that new rig you built. I have a item to go on it, I want to give you. ::) bahahaha
I will burn your truck down!
I use this on my fuel cell. Radiator fans blow right on it (3inches away). It looks like it would boil fuel non-stop, but I don't ever have an issue with it. It is a return type system too, which I'm sure helps. But there is no cooler on it or anything.

I ain't worried about the truck catching fire, he rides less than I do. Plus he will make sure to keep the rig hidden from if he does LOL

ROKTOY829 said:
I ain't worried about the truck catching fire, he rides less than I do. Plus he will make sure to keep the rig hidden from if he does LOL
I don't have to worry about your rig following mine far enough because yours will run out of gas! :flipoff1: