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I drove off the trail, drunk, at night.

Bad Image,Bad attitude,no Respect for other`s. Your correct just what I want My kid`s around,And O`h yeah represent our Sport/Hobby: :fawkdancesmiley::stirpot:

So you have either: 1. only met the group once and now feel you "know" them (us) or 2. wheeled with the group on more than 1 occasion and keep putting yourself in that situation, knowing the outcome.

Either way, your attitude is not something I'd want around my kids (if I have kids:D)

I'm not really defending them (us) or condemning you.....just making a point for the masses to see.:hi: But please do respond, I'm tired of bumping my own thread.:flipoff::corn:
So you have either: 1. only met the group once and now feel you "know" them (us) or 2. wheeled with the group on more than 1 occasion and keep putting yourself in that situation, knowing the outcome.

Either way, your attitude is not something I'd want around my kids (if I have kids:D)

I'm not really defending them (us) or condemning you.....just making a point for the masses to see.:hi: But please do respond, I'm tired of bumping my own thread.:flipoff::corn:

Bump :cool:
So you have either: 1. only met the group once and now feel you "know" them (us) or 2. wheeled with the group on more than 1 occasion and keep putting yourself in that situation, knowing the outcome.

Either way, your attitude is not something I'd want around my kids (if I have kids:D)

I'm not really defending them (us) or condemning you.....just making a point for the masses to see.:hi: But please do respond, I'm tired of bumping my own thread.:flipoff::corn:

I was going to keep quiet on this. But I too have seen this--and more than one occasion.

Now granted most of this was prior to the last year that reiter was open and before the group went thru a change relizing how there actions were being looked at.

You can call it what you want but it was what it was and trying to call it something else is just making excuses.
I would also like to add that my intent is not to slander or put down any other clubs/groups but I will call things how I see them. Some times folks won't see things from the inside without outside interaction.

Again just telling it how I saw it.... And they have cleaned up there act since those days from what I can tell...
Since the blame game is fun here on the NWW, I encourage you to blame any person, group, club or organization.

Most times I've seen someone driving off the trail, they were_______. I've seen someone voluntarily make a bypass to_______. I've seen someone else make a new trail because they_______.

Most times I've seen someone driving off the trail, they were young or drunk. I've seen someone voluntarily make a bypass to get moving cuz they cant get it done with open diffs. I've seen someone else make a new trail because they are stupid ATV riders that cant get their boot dirty or wet.
Now granted most of this was prior to the last year that reiter was open and before the group went thru a change relizing how there actions were being looked at.

I'm not sure the group (WHORE) has changed at all.:scratchhead: What have they (we) done to change?

Does no one despise the EBP/SNORT? I think the real difference between WHORE and EBP/SNORT is the vulgar club name........ok, and the drinking.:redneck: They both made trails. They both promoted illegal use (in a sense). They both are part of the "old ways" of doing things. Like the difference between blue collar crime and white collar crime. Both are equal in my book.

Side note: Most "bad wheelers" hated (and blame) RTW. Yet, many "good wheelers" hated (and blame) RTW as well.......before and after Reiter's closing. This is coming from someone (me), now on the inside looking out, calling it as I see it.


WHORE......EBP/SNORT......RTW.....ABC.....123......it's all relative to who you are, where you're from, and how high (or low) you stand on "the scale".:beer:
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Personally, I still place MOST of the blame on the locals (folks that would consider themselves that) for closing Reiter. Why? Because they did nothing to stop it. What a bunch of assholes! Now see.....don't I sound stupid?
P.S. - Thanks for nothing PNW4WDA. Where were you when Reiter needed you? Where are you now?:stirpot:
I'm not sure the group (WHORE) has changed at all.:scratchhead: What have they (we) done to change?

Does no one despise the EBP/SNORT? I think the real difference between WHORE and EBP/SNORT is the vulgar club name........ok, and the drinking.:redneck: They both made trails. They both promoted illegal use (in a sense). They both are part of the "old ways" of doing things. Like the difference between blue collar crime and white collar crime. Both are equal in my book.

Side note: Most "bad wheelers" hated (and blame) RTW. Yet, many "good wheelers" hated (and blame) RTW as well.......before and after Reiter's closing. This is coming from someone (me), now on the inside looking out, calling it as I see it.


WHORE......EBP/SNORT......RTW.....ABC.....123......it's all relative to who you are, where you're from, and how high (or low) you stand on "the scale".:beer:

As for change from whore-- Thats how it was presented to me and there was a difference from prior years.

There was a big difference between snort/whore. Snort was maybe 5 guys and you only saw about--1 of them out with any consistancy. Were they in the right/wrong. Thats up for discussion but they were not any worse than any other typical user really. Whore was a large group who were out there with consistancy. I won't get into any of BS that was associated with it because its a moot point really and I would rather have them help than sit here and throw crap at them. The same can be said about snort.

As for the locals being a big problem--you are right on the $$ with that one and its still an issue up there. Its something we will currently battle with and will in the future..

As for who blames RTW for what-- Well those folks would have an issue with any organized organization trying to do whats right to protect what we have. I go to bed every night known what I have done and what I am doing and what I will do is the right thing to do and will give us something in return.
P.S. - Thanks for nothing PNW4WDA. Where were you when Reiter needed you? Where are you now?:stirpot:

You just don't get it.. You are a "buggy person" so you don't matter so much to them. If you had the typical Jeep with 33's you'd know exactly where they stood on everything because they like you. :eeek:
You just don't get it.. You are a "buggy person" so you don't matter so much to them. If you had the typical Jeep with 33's you'd know exactly where they stood on everything because they like you. :eeek:
Come on now. Some of those guys have moved up to 35s on their 70s era jeeps.
P.S. - Thanks for nothing PNW4WDA. Where were you when Reiter needed you? Where are you now?:stirpot:

Do your homework before pointing fingers Mark. You wouldnt even be getting to build a new Reiter if it wasnt for the involvement of the PNW4WDA in the funding cycle. The money you are using now to make up the new park was all approved by the RCO of which the PNW4WDA has a member on. How much money do you think you would have had we not been there. Also talk to your founder (RTW) when RTW was founded I was the President of the PNW4WDA. I had several conversations on how the PNW4WDA could help the RTW and was turned away. I was told that the RTW wanted to do things its own way and that our help as a ORG. wasnt wanted or needed. Regardless we helped anyway as much as we could and many of our members are still very active in the process.
Most times I've seen someone driving off the trail, they were tearing **** up and lovin it. I've seen someone voluntarily make a bypass to express creativity in there driving style and show off a new line. I've seen someone else make a new trail because they found some cool new terrain to wheel on.

Lets face it, the main reason new trails are cut is because everyone gets bored with the existing trails. It's enevitible no mater how good the new trails are. Once people figure out the lines and they can be be spanked blind folded they start looking for a new challenge. Billy Corgan "Despite all my rage I'm still just a rat in a cage"
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Do your homework before pointing fingers Mark. You wouldnt even be getting to build a new Reiter if it wasnt for the involvement of the PNW4WDA in the funding cycle. The money you are using now to make up the new park was all approved by the RCO of which the PNW4WDA has a member on. How much money do you think you would have had we not been there. Also talk to your founder (RTW) when RTW was founded I was the President of the PNW4WDA. I had several conversations on how the PNW4WDA could help the RTW and was turned away. I was told that the RTW wanted to do things its own way and that our help as a ORG. wasnt wanted or needed. Regardless we helped anyway as much as we could and many of our members are still very active in the process.

How many people are on the RCO total?
Lets not get into bashing organizations here. If you don't like how they are ran then get involved.

Thats all I am going to say about this.