Well-Known Member
And I'd like to hear what others think of it....We all know that enforcement is going to be a big issue as areas of Reiter begin to open. At many sporting events they hire off duty police officers to keep order. Why could we not as a private group hire a cop to patrol a FS road and hand asses when needed? I don't know what this would cost but the more people who donate the less it would cost each of us. I talked to Robert Dengel DNRs recreation policy manager about this briefly yesterday and he wants to discuss it further. He did say that off the top of his head it could possibly go a couple different ways. We could do it privately without DNR involvement but the cops we hire may have issue because it's on DNRs property. Another possible route would be to "donate" the money to the DNR specifically for this purpose and we would have a agreement in place before hand for the DNR to hire the cop.
I'm going to E mail Robert and find out more but what do you guys think of the overall idea? Myself as a rule I'm not a big fan of a brigade of trail nazis but it could be a way to keep things under control for the time being......:corn:
I'm going to E mail Robert and find out more but what do you guys think of the overall idea? Myself as a rule I'm not a big fan of a brigade of trail nazis but it could be a way to keep things under control for the time being......:corn: