Stuck in the Swamp
My rear DS was nothing special....1410 both ends long slip asked him to make it were it could take the full impact of the truck dropping on it without denting specified that I wanted 5/16min or 3/8 prefered wall tube he said no problem....first time out I dropped of the big rock at the base of the reiter rockface dented the tube the it twisted up like a barber pole my day was over.....Took the truck to him with the barber pole and he tried to tell me the 1/8 wall was plenty for my app and would not fix it!!!! after the first 500 I spent on it I wound up spending another 185 for the tube that I asked for in the first place but he did me a favor by not charging me to cut and machine,retube it way I ask for in the first place. I would drive right by his place and build my own square tube rattler before I give him another nickle...really? you think aukeem is expensive? hmm, when i first did my rig, i got quotes from 4-5 places and he was cheaper.
I'll have to look into the bellingham guy next time.:beer: