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I see dead people! (spinoff)

I see a lot of stupid people too (federal employee).....I'd rather deal with the boogy man and the ghost.


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After college me and a buddy rented a house in Murfreesboro from his cousin. At night you would always hear stuff hitting the floor in other rooms. We would always joke that the house was haunted. Then one night he stayed over at his girlfriend place so I was there alone. I was woke up around 1 am to load thud of something falling off of my bed side table. I was sleeping on my side with my back toward the side table. When I woke up I just laid there because I could feel someone looking at me. A few seconds later I felt the bed sink behind me like someone sat in the bed with me, then it felt like someone laid down, and put their around around me. Now I am laying there with my eyes open looking at my chest and back over my shoulder and I don't see squat, but I sure do feel someone holding me. So I say a quick prayer, then I say out load "In the name of Jesus Christ I demand you get off of me." As I roll toward this thing and throw it off of me with my arms. When I rolled the bed sprang up and whatever was there was gone. I always hated sleeping alone in that house after that. Oh yeah there was nothing in the floor by my bed or under it, so I never knew what the thud was that woke me up.
My house I lived in in college was supposedly haunted. It was a frat house and the ghost would roam from room to room late at night pissing on people's beds, throwing up on people, and it had a koala bear that would crap in folks mouths after they drank a bunch of Corona. Apparently koala crap sucks the moisture out of your mouth and leaves a dry cheap cigarette taste.
money_pit_yj said:
My house I lived in in college was supposedly haunted. It was a frat house and the ghost would roam from room to room late at night pissing on people's beds, throwing up on people, and it had a koala bear that would crap in folks mouths after they drank a bunch of Corona. Apparently koala crap sucks the moisture out of your mouth and leaves a dry cheap cigarette taste.

THAT GHOST! Fuggin SAME ghost! visits me at all the big rides! I swear that ghost is attracted to moonshine!
Here's another 'dafuq' moment.
My ex was a Hunter-Jumper Horse rider/owner. I would go out to the farm with her some afternoons to watch and work on any fence that may be down. Private facility literally just north of the Tuskegee City limits, so 9 miles south of Auburn. We had been warned that the 100 acre property had an old indian ghost on it. And sometimes you could smell him before you see him, but likely going to see him walking slowly across the pasture.
"What's the smell?"
"HORRIBLE Body odor... like the worst BO you've ever smelled!"
Well, I can't imagine anything worse than a middle school boys locker room.... but whatever.
So we're out there alone one day, I'm at the back of the property working on a fence alone and the ex is up in the tack area. My head's down, then all of the sudden, I smell it. and it's strong as hell. It's like somebody threw their three day old armpit in to my nose. I didn't need to look around. I didn't WANT to look around. I dropped my screws and drill and hauled ass across the field like a lil bitch. Ain't no ghost injun gone get me!
Was laying in the bed one night, with the wife, sleeping as usual, had this weird feeling like I need to wake up now! Opened my eyes and had an outline of someone leaning over the bed face to face with me, AAAHHHHH!!!!! , wife was pissed because my yelling scared the **** out of her, got the light turned on and of course nothing there.

Dealership I used to work at had a teenage mexican kid get run over and killed by a piece of equipment while they were building it. I used to stay late all the time working on stuff, I would see this kid in flannel ducking behind cars in the shop, hanging flourscent work lights would be swinging like 40 mph winds were blowing through there and it would be completely calm.
J and JD got me going now....

OK, so my aunts house is beside another old antebellum house that we actually rented while I was in 8 and 9th grade. That house was haunted too. An old lady haunted that house and you could hear her slippers up and down the huge center hallway. The hallway had formerly been a "dog trott", VERY old house... but it had been remodeled in the 60's and the dog trott closed in. House had 18' ceilings and the middle hallway was HUGE. People not knowing the house but spending the night would ALWAYS wake up the next morning asking who was whispering their name throughout the night...
Here are the two houses in downtown Brundidge, AL

The red roof house was the one we lived in, and has since been remodeled again, it wasn't nearly that nice when we lived there for $250/mo back in 1988

The other house my oldest cousin still lives in after my aunt died and he inherited the house.

Lampley said:
After college me and a buddy rented a house in Murfreesboro from his cousin. At night you would always hear stuff hitting the floor in other rooms. We would always joke that the house was haunted. Then one night he stayed over at his girlfriend place so I was there alone. I was woke up around 1 am to load thud of something falling off of my bed side table. I was sleeping on my side with my back toward the side table. When I woke up I just laid there because I could feel someone looking at me. A few seconds later I felt the bed sink behind me like someone sat in the bed with me, then it felt like someone laid down, and put their around around me. Now I am laying there with my eyes open looking at my chest and back over my shoulder and I don't see squat, but I sure do feel someone holding me. So I say a quick prayer, then I say out load "In the name of Jesus Christ I demand you get off of me." As I roll toward this thing and throw it off of me with my arms. When I rolled the bed sprang up and whatever was there was gone. I always hated sleeping alone in that house after that. Oh yeah there was nothing in the floor by my bed or under it, so I never knew what the thud was that woke me up.

I lived with these two guy for a year, and they never said anything about ghost or strange sounds in the house. So every time I was there alone, I would here something walking down there hallway, or things falling on the floor. I never said anything to them cause i just figured I was hearing thing (you know just old house sounds). A couple of year later they tell me all of their story of strange sounds and stuff. Hell I would have never lived there if I had nown about it.
creepycrawly said:
Man it just doesn't make sense that we are the only ones out there. Nope. And before the religious crowd gets all defensive, I haven't found anywhere in the Bible that it says we are the only ones. If someone else has, please PM me the reference so I can read it.

Most of the Bible is about the supernatural. The Holy Spirit, demons, etc.

The only thing I can say about it is there is no gray area. Its either of God or not of God. When we die, our soul is either with God or not. We don't hang around for awhile to scare people.

I do fully believe in the supernatural. Just not the way most people do.

The only "ghost" I wanna be a part of is the Holy Spirit. Lol

I have definitely seen and felt things though and so has some of my family. My dad, who is a pastor, saw a girl once when he was a teenager in like January when it was like 13* and she was in like a gown. He stopped the truck as soon as he passed her to help her, but she wasn't there. And it was in the middle of big fields. He looked around a big and drove around in the truck, but never found her. My mom was with him. It was back when they were dating.

But like the guy said earlier, I pop out a quick prayer and say something along the lines of "get off me in Jesus name. " It always goes away.
Dwill817 said:
The only thing I can say about it is there is no gray area. Its either of God or not of God. When we die, our soul is either with God or not. We don't hang around for awhile to scare people.

The thing is, we as the living, need to know these spirits may not be trying to scare us. We fear things we do not know. They are not trying to scare us. WE are scaring ourselves.

My crazy ass mother has talked to ghosts before. She has told them, "I HAVE to live here, with you... I have no other place to go.." and she claims they left her alone after that. I personally feel they were still there.... ut she made peace with herself in regards to them, and not them making peace with her.
Energy is all around us. We are energy. ghosts are energy.

I used to work for a communications engineering company down in Auburn, AL. I would install these spectrum softwares on the engineers laptops. It allowed us to scan the radius around the laptops/devices and 'see" all the spectrums around us. It's CRAZY the amount of NOISE that's out there. IEEE protocols is what receives these noises and translates it to data that we use. Voice data, video data, any data. When we receive a type of communication that we do not understand, we call it supernatural. One day we may be able to understand how to interpret it. One day, we may actually be able to talk with ghosts. I'm being honest. It's crazy to think, but people thought Amerigo Vespucci was insane and a liar about his "findings" from trips across the FLAT Earth. But we live in a nation that is now named after him: America.

My moms dad died in our old house from cancer. When he was alive he would come in back door and hold his foot between the screen and the jamb so it would stand open about 4" and he would smoke squatted there by the back door anytime he was there. After he passed you would hear or see the door open and close and in a few minutes it would pop open and sit there about 4" from the jamv for about 10 mins then it would close. Never said a word to my wife when we got married and moved in there and she never met pops but she said one day its like somebody comes in and then sticks their foot in that kitchen door sometimes. Lol it was probly humidity or atmospheric pressure but that's about all I got.

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For my 2nd wedding anniversary, I took the wife to Charleston SC. She wanted to do a ghost tour one night while we were there. It was kind of raining the night we decided to do the tour, so we went on the dungeons tour thinking we would be a little dryer. As we start walking on the tour, I start chatting with the tour guide. Turns out he is just an Ole farm boy who raises cattle outside town. Then gives these tours at night. So we start talking farming and cattle and just cutting up. I end up telling him my ghost laying in bed with me story and he gets excited. He tella me "good we will see something to night then". He also says that when the ghost hunter shows come to town to film stuff they always ask for him because stuff happens with him. So we go thru a few places and nothing happens. Then. We get to the old dungeon. We walk all the way to the back. He tells some stories, and we start to walk back to the door. I wasn't paying close attention to the group and I ended up in the back about 10 foot behind everyone. I feel a cold chill across my neck, and someone rub there hand across my back like they bushed against me as they walked past. I turn around and no one is there. The guide saw me stops I look to my left there are some large chains hung between the support pillars of the room. Where they chained prisons in the 1800's. While looking at the chain it starts swinging back and forth all by it self. The chain swings steady not getting faster or slower, and moves about 12 inches side to side. The guide has me walk over closer to the chain, and reach over the chain without touching it. When I do my hand feels like I had stuck it in a freezer. I steep back and the entire group watches the chain swing. It was still swinging when we the dungeon.

So almost being assraped by one ghost makes you more attractive to other ghosts?

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rapidrob said:
My younger brother and I used to hike the Sipsey Wilderness alot in our younger days... we saw something that I will likely die never knowing the answer to. Pulled up to a popular trailhead one day in 1996 but it was full of scouts and sierra club members, so we pulled off the road in a random spot nowhere near any marked hiking trails. As we hiked with our golden lab Daisy who always stayed out in front, we noticed she had stopped and wouldn't leave a spot on the ground where she was sniffing like crazy. My brother walked back a few feet to get daisy when suddenly he said " Rob, come look at this". I saw a right foot print of a very large animal, it was also embedded into the dry leaves with at least a force of 600 pounds or more. I found no left foot prints or any other prints, just a huge right foot where the dog was sniffing. Being a huge skeptic of bigfoot and myths in general, i thought surely it was fake. But then again.....it was nowhere near a marked trail or popular area where someone should find it, the dog thought it was odd, and someone would have had to have a 600+ pound weight to sink the footprint into dry leaves like it was. No way to dig the footprint as leaves were bent into the outline. A true tale from an honest southern man...not saying i believe. Just saying i don't have an answer for what i saw that day.

There is a guy that lives around Sipsey Wilderness and he hunts bigfoots, he has been on one of the shows due to having thermal image of one. He claims there is six living in there.