Sorry about the few day hiatus, I not only was beat up about issues here and there (we'll talk this week). Then the hurricane happened.
We got power back at the house around 5 this afternoon. I just got home, and got the internet going.
Play by play.
WE GOT LUCKY! Thing stayed a Cat2, and stayed just far enough east. I lost a fence, satelite dish, and some guttering. We faired so well. Lost the back fence at the shop as well. So you guys know I am 62 miles NW of Galveston, and 18miles SW of Downtown.
I got out at midnight, 2, 4 and 6. Checking status of everything. It was a blowing sum bee, sheets of rain! As Kelly stated I got checked by a 90mph gust. Felt like Geraldo getting hit by that wave. Blew my feet out from under me, and I grabbed truck as I was going by it like Dorothy. Hooked a step on the running boards and held on. As soon as the gust let up I double timed it around the fence and into the house, **** THAT! I got straight up rolled!
Got everything sorted out early this morning, checked on my father in law down the road. he lost a lot of shingles off his roof but was not too bad compared to neighbors.
Seriously every other large tree is down here.
I made it into our DR (DisasterRecovery) facility Cyrus 1 around noon (they are less than a block from the shop). Cyrus 1 clocked a 98mph gust and sustained at 81mph. So I'm fortunate on the shop only losing a fence. All the guys that rode out the storm at Cyrus were pretty stressed from the night, even though it is supposed to be up for a direct CAT5 hit. All the cars in the parking lot got banged up when the Fox news sign cartwheeled/pingponged off them around 4am. Most of our guys left their cars in downtown at our building there. Around 4pm we headed downtown to go recover cars, and check our building status. The building sustained near zero damage. The JP Morgan Chase building across the street is the one you all are seeing on CNN. All east side windows from 1-75th floor are gone. Downtown looks like Baghdad. **** is straight tore up. HPD has downtown on lockdown, but we blew though a couple roadblocks and dodged the copcars by cutting though parking lots. No kidding the streets were littered with computer monitors, saw a stapler, office chairs etc. GLASS EVERYWHERE. Even saw some 1" marble building facades over 3 blocks from the building they came off of. Our office nothing, looks just like we left it Friday morning, you look out the windows and it looks like a warzone.
My cell and email is very very sketchy. Texts worked until abotu 7am. I have been on the Satphone all day today as its the only thing really working. Crazy the internet is up.
Thanks for all the good words, concern, prayers, and texts through out the past couple days, I appreciate it. Glad we dodged a huge bullet.
I did get some pics today, but none from downtown CNN has that covered.